[PC] The Division2 [Lady Death/The Chatterbox/Backfire] Price per item
Delivery Time : 1 day(s)
Available Stock : 100
Minimum Purchase Quantity : 1
Minimum purchase is 100
1 = USD$ 11.51
USD$ 11.51 BUY NOW

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Account info requirements from buyer

1. Steam User: what we needed if you are login from steam

- Steam User Name
- Steam Password
- Steam Guard disabled if possible before place order: Mobilbe/Email
- Mobilbe Guard:  If you could provide us with some 'Backup Codes' then we dont need you to disable it
- Email Guard: We recommend the buyer could disable it before place order if you couldn't set up a mobile guard to provide us with 'Backup Codes'

- Uplay Account
- Uplay Password
- Off your second verification from Uplay, so we can login without any issue

2. what we needed if you are login from Uplay

1) Uplay account
2) Uplay password
3) Off your second verification from Uplay, so we can login without any issue