
RuneScape: Crystal Skillchompas & Tweaks

Di Bmichaellogan
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The paths to skilling mastery in RuneScape are many, but when in doubt, add a rodent.


This week brings an array of skillchompa-related updates – not least of all the introduction of crystal skillchompas, as discussed by Mod Timbo in last week’s Month Ahead live stream.



Read on for full details of what’s new in RuneScape this week.


Crystal Skillchompas


The new tier of skillchompas can be found at the far side of the Isafdar Forest, on the coast just north of Tyras Camp (which is looking a touch lighter on trees than normal. Thanks Timbo).


Catch them from level 97 Hunter and use them from 61 Divination, Fishing, Mining or Woodcutting to enjoy better-than-ever benefits in the relevant skill.



Skillchompa Updates


We’ve also made a bunch of improvements to the way that skillchompas work overall, making them all the more useful for your skill training:


   •There is now a chance to catch multiple skillchompas at any Agility level, granting you XP for each skillchompa caught.

   •Upon attaining certain Agility thresholds, the chance to catch multiple skillchompas reaches 100%.

   •Skillchompas now work from your inventory, as well as while wielded.

   •Box traps can now be placed during combat.

   •You will now receive Invention tool XP on failing a skilling action when using skillchompas.


Patch Notes


There's plenty to see in this week's patch notes, with highlights for free players and Dungeoneering fans:


   •Carapace and batwing armour can now be equipped and crafted by free players.

   •Large dungeons can now be started by a party of 2 players.

   •The Dungeoneering and Sinkholes maps will now stay open while playing, and will dynamically update as players move between rooms.

   •Skilling plot icons for fishing, farming (plants and plot), mining, woodcutting, prayer altars and summoning obelisks will now appear on the minimap while Dungeoneering.


See the patch notes for full details of what's arrived in game today.


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