
RuneScape Mobile Beta Arrives on Android

Di Mary Zheng
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After a long time waiting for the new version - The RuneScape  mobile Android beta, on March 5, 2019, has eventually been declared by RuneScape that they have begun releasing RuneScape beta version available for Android members. All the relative players around the world can come together to celebrate this meaningful day which they have waited in hope for a long time. Read this on MmoGah to find out more  about how to make full use of this beta version so as to enjoy yourself in it.


Where to Download the RuneScape Mobile Android Beta


You can download the app from the Google Play Store. If you have any problems related to eligibility, restrictions and technical details, you can choose Youtube or Twitch channels as your other choices, or our official website MmoGah is your best choice, in which you can find a lot of pertinent RS News and Guides.


The Methods of Entering the Beta


The beta, at present, is merely accessible to members with an Android mobile phone or other relative devices. In addition, there will be cross-platform play, provided with mobile and PC players simultaneously. And currently, there are only 25000 spots available for the beta on a first come, first served basis. As for IOS availability, the concrete releasing time will be announced at a later date. At that time, our website MmoGah will announce the news at first time. In the website, not only can you search some rs news, but you can also find RS3 gold, OSRS gold,  OSRS Accounts and OSRS Fire Cape services. Our superior services can give you excellent convenience, thus, you can immerse yourself in the best game world. The relevant players can look forward to the day patiently.


What Content Can You Expect in the Beta


The RuneScape mobile Android beta has been developing and growing all the time. An overhaul to the NPC chat system (making chat clearer and easier to navigate), the introduction of more intuitive action bars and improvements to looting are included in the recent updates. There have additionally been a plenty of interaction refinements to improve the recognition of tapping, swiping and dragging. Certainly, being a Beta at its preliminary stage, it may have some deficiencies, so you should accept them as many as possible. RuneScape is making their great efforts to ensure that RuneScape on mobile is every bit as playable as RuneScape on desktop, and they energetically encourage gamers to express their thoughts freely and send the feedback to them. Of course, if you have any problem about this new RuneScape beta version, you can react to us immediately at our website MmoGah, thus, our customer service reps will give you a satisfactory reply in time. Every bit of feedback does help to us. Welcome your precious opinions in our new Review page!

Thanks so much for your continuous support. Enjoy yourself!


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