
ArcheAge Battle Pets Guide One

بواسطة John Ryan
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ArcheAge players who have played this game for a while all know that there are lots of types of pets for battle in ArcheAge. Battle pets only drop from mobs in dungeons of ArcheAge, and they are also purchasable with ArcheAge gold in auction house. In this guide we summarize main information of some typical battle pets and where players can get them in game.


l  Horse

Moving speed: 9 meters per second

Where to get it: from the quest in Solzreed Peninsula or from auction house for spending 10 Silver coins.


Level 5: Increase speed by 50% on 5 seconds/ CD 30 seconds

Level 10: Two strikes along both sides of horse. There are 350% of melee physical damage/ CD 2 seconds

Level 15: Horse use hooves to hit and know down enemy from his behind. Damage level depends on what level players’ horse is. /CD 18 seconds

Level 20: Character and his horse immune to stun and ranged attack for 5 seconds. /CD 16 seconds

Level 25: Increase movement speed by 50% on 5 seconds, but players cannot control their horse’s moving speed in those 5 seconds. Moreover, horse help knowing down encountered enemy on character’s way. /CD 30 seconds


l  Deer

Moving speed: 8.5 meters per second

Where to get it: from the quest in Gwenoid Forest or from auction house for spending 10 Silver coins.


Level 5: Increase speed by 50% on 5 seconds. /CD 30 seconds

Level 10: Ranged shoot by Deer and the damage equals to 80% physical damage. Range distance are 30 meters.

Level 15: At this level Deer got the ability “Fire Arrow”, and the ability equals to 500% of physical damage. Additionally, Deer strikes enemy with 200% ranged physical damage periodically within 5 seconds, and creates debuff “Burning”. /CD 12 seconds and ranged shoot distance are 30 meters.

Level 20: At level at 20, Deer had the Aimed shot ability whose ranged shoot distance equals to 700% of physical damage. What’s more, as the ability of Combo, if enemy gets burned, damage will be increased by 50%. /CD 24 seconds and ability release distance 35 meters.

Level 25: Allow character to jump on 25 meters ahead on Deer. /CD 5 seconds.

archeage battle pet

l  Lion

Moving speed: 8.8 meters per second

Where to get it: from the quest in Falcorth Plains or from auction house for spending 10 Silver coins.


Level 5: Increase speed by 50% on 5 seconds. /CD 30 seconds

Level 10: Ranged shoot equals to 80% physical damage. Range distance are 30 meters.

Level 15: Allow character who is on Lion to jump onto enemy and stun the enemy for 2 seconds. Ability release distance 15 meters. /CD 24 seconds.

Level 20: Damage output of both of Lion and character is increased by 30% within in 30 seconds. Here players need to note that if your character dismounts from Lion, then the effect disappears. /CD 60 second.

Level 25: Movement speed is increased by 100%, and at this level, an immune status is given for 3 seconds. /CD 30 seconds.

archeage battle pet


Here are the three main battle pets in ArcheAge, and for the rest ones, we’ll talk about them in our next battle pets guide. All the pets look different and are with varied skills. Do you want to stock some gold and have at least one? Now a discount promotion activity is live at Mmogah. Purchase ArcheAge gold or Archeage Power Leveling Service with coupon code: Mmogah.com will get 3% discount on your order. For the detail information, please read the article “Get 3% Discount on ArcheAge Gold and Experience New Update 2.0 of Heroes Awaken”.

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