
How to Efficiently Use Labor to Make ArcheAge Gold

By John Ryan
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As known that well using of labor can make ArcheAge players earn more ArcheAge gold, therefore how to best use of labor is a frequent asked question among players in game. In this guide we would like to share some information in finding out what’s the most efficient approach.


What is labor efficiency? Accordingly labor efficiency is a measure of how efficiently a given workforce accomplishes a task, when compared to the standard in that industry or setting. How to measure labor efficiency in game of ArcheAge? First players need to know two key units for calculating labor efficiency ratio, and they are Profit or Potential Profit and Labor used. Labor efficiency ratio directly indicates how much profit is being earned for every labor spent. The higher the ratio is, the more efficient of labor is, which means the ratio of labor efficiency is higher, the money players earned is more.


Here are two steps formula that ArcheAge players can use.

l  Price sold – Expense = Profit

The first one is the economics equation for profit. In this formula, players should know that Expenses are the services and goods paid with ArcheAge gold which need to gain from profit. Labor does not include in Expense. Take trade pack as an example here. Expenses are crafting of the trade pack, or the charge players paid for protection and transportation of trade pack for trade run, but not labor cost in it.


l  Profit ÷ Labor = Labor Efficiency

When players purchase labor, use their other character’s labor or have worker’s compensation potion can use this formula to get the labor efficiency ratio.


l  Cost ÷ Labor = Labor Efficiency

According to current workforce price in auction house, here we can divide the rate of one thousand labors by the cost of the worker compensation potion, so it approximately costs 1.4 Silver for each labor. The significance of this ratio is that if players who can achieve for the labor efficiency of 1.4 Silver per labor, then they can freely buy worker’s compensation potion at a profit once their labor is spent.

 archeage labor

Besides the way of making money by rising labor efficiency, players still can choose the way of purchasing ArcheAge gold from MMOGAH.COM. Mmogah as a professional ArcheAge gold selling service has run the business for over 10 years, is a reliable and secure gold seller. If you have any demand of ArcheAge gold for building your characters’ gears or equipment, you can visit our website. Moreover mmogah also provides ArcheAge power leveling service to players, so if you have any queries, please feel free to contact our customer reps via Live Chat.


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