
New Guide for Level 50 in Blade and Soul

بواسطة Leo Jiang
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As more and more players are reaching level cap in Blade and Soul, so I would like to share a guide for new level 50's. I hope it helps any new players.


Level 50 400AP to 500 AP (Details you need to do)

Heaven’s Mandate

Gold Storage

Avalanche Den

Awakened Necropolis

Lair of the Frozen Fang

Mushin’s Tower Floors 1-7

Shiverstone Range Dailies

Snowfrost Monastery Dailies

Ebon Hall

Ebondrake Hideout

Chuanka Frost Cavern

Shrieking Caverm

Ogong’s Folly

Talus Dungeon

Naryu Labyrinth

Bloodshade Harbor

Blackram Supply Chain

New Guide for Level 50 in Blade and Soul

Order leveling up to reach 500AP

1. Your weapon need to level up to Stage 10 of True Oathbreaker.

2. You need to buy 25AP diamond

3. You need to level up Pirate Bracelet to Awakened Oathbreaker Stage 10

4. You need to get Hongmoon Soul.

5. You need to level up remaining accessories to True Siren Stage 10.


How to get Hongmoon Soul

I recommend three methods to get Hongmoon Soul. All 3 methods are viable for you. I think method 3 is the hardest to do out of all and I would not recommend this. So you can choose the first two methods.


Method 1

You have to collect the following materials:

1 Evolved Stone

3 Honorary Ornaments

80 Naryu Relic Pieces [Naryu Labyrinth drop]

Where can we get: In front of Naryu Labyrinth in Moonwater Plains, Blackram Shipyard.

Pros: Requires less BNS Gold

Cons: You need to level up the soul to Stage 1.



Method 2

Broken Oathbreaker Sword Blade Point

Broken Oathbreaker Sword Blade

Broken Oathbreaker Sword False Edge

Collect three Broken Oathbreaker Sword pieces.


Where can we get: We have to buy the pieces from marketplace

Pros: Gives you Hongmoon Soul Stage 1

Cons: Can cost a lot of bns gold


Method 3

You need to collect the following materials

250 Black Rose Feathers

25 Retrieved Secret Techniques

Where can we get: Dragon Express in your inventory, general goods tab.

Pro: Gives you Hongmoon Soul Stages 1

Cons: We require a very tedious grind that isn’t worth the time. I would not recommend this method.

New Guide for Level 50 in Blade and Soul

Soulshield Options for You

As you progress in your AP you can get more choices. If you are able to do Choice 3 then I would highly recommend you go for that Soulshield Set. Currently with the dungeons you are able to do you’ll have two choices until you’re able to do higher level dungeons. Both Soulshileld options are fine it just depends on what you want.


Choice 1

Full Yeti Soulsheild

Pros: A lot of crit.

Cons: Not a lot of HP.


Choice 2

Full Naryu Labyrinth Soulshield

Pros: A whole lot of HP

Cons: Not as much crit as Yeti


Choice 3

This is for those who have friends, a guild, or are able to get into Asura

Asura 1|2|4|6|8 and Be |do 3|5|7

Pros: Sets you up for current endgame soulshield

Cons: None


AP achievement

You are able to receive a varying amount of fee by achievement. I think there are two ways that are very simple, the other choices for the free AP are geared more towards higher AP players who can constantly spam the dungeon. I recommend you do one or both of these free AP achievements and work on the others later on.

New Guide for Level 50 in Blade and Soul

Choice 1: 3 AP achievement

10 times for completing Naryu Labyrinth


It is very simple to get and complete


None. As it is simple to get and when you first reach 50 you could get it.


Choice 2: 7 AP achievement

100 times for completing Avalanche’s Den.


It is very simple to complete and more AP


To receive achievement with a long grind, if possible it should be a secondary goal. Although you don’t need to focus this achievement as by gearing up, you will be able to receive that AP achievement and do Desolate Tomb.


For more information and news of Blade and Soul, welcome you to visit Mmogah.com.


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