
D2R Magic Items: What Are They and How to Find Them

بواسطة Ansley
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Diablo 2 Resurrected (D2R) features seven classes, each with their unique skills and playstyles. The game also features a variety of items that can enhance the characters’ abilities and appearance. One of these types of items is magic, blue-colored items with one or two random properties or modifiers.


What Are They

Magic items are one of the most common types of items in D2R, and they can be found in various sources, such as monsters, chests, vendors, or crafting. Magic items can have different quality levels, ranging from normal to superior. Superior magic items have higher base stats and durability than normal ones but have higher repair costs. Magic items can also have different item levels, determining the range and number of possible modifiers.


Magic items can have different types of modifiers, such as prefixes or suffixes. Prefixes are modifiers that appear before the item name, such as “Glimmering” or “Cruel.” Suffixes are modifiers that appear after the item name, such as “of the Bat” or “of Slaying.” Each prefix or suffix has a specific effect on the item, such as increasing its damage, defense, resistances, attack speed, life steal, or other stats. Some prefixes or suffixes are more powerful than others, and they require higher item levels to spawn.


D2R Magic Items What Are They and How to Find Them 1


Magic items can be very useful and valuable in D2R, especially in the game’s early stages. Some magic items can even rival or surpass rare or unique items in terms of power and utility. For example, some of the most valuable magic items in D2R are:


  • +3 to skills amulets: These are amulets that have a prefix that grants +3 to a specific skill tree of a class, such as “+3 to Combat Skills (Paladin Only)” or “+3 to Summoning Skills (Necromancer Only)”. These amulets can greatly boost the effectiveness of the skills and builds of the classes, and they are highly sought after by players.


  • +3 to skills circlets: These are circlets that have a prefix that grants +3 to a specific skill tree of a class, similar to the amulets. However, circlets can also have a suffix that grants another bonus, such as “+20% Faster Cast Rate” or “+30% Enhanced Defense”. These Circlets can offer a combination of benefits that are hard to find in other items.


  • +3 to skills claws: These are claws that have a prefix that grants +3 to a specific skill tree of the Assassin class, such as “+3 to Martial Arts” or “+3 to Shadow Disciplines”. These claws can also have a suffix that grants another bonus, such as “+40% Increased Attack Speed” or “+10% Chance of Crushing Blow”. These claws can enhance the performance and versatility of the Assassin class.


  • +3 to skills wands: Wands with a prefix that grants +3 to a specific skill tree of the Necromancer class, such as “+3 to Poison and Bone Skills” or “+3 to Curses”. These wands can also have a suffix that grants another bonus, such as “+20% Faster Cast Rate” or “+10% Mana Stolen Per Hit”. These wands can improve the potency and efficiency of the Necromancer class.


  • +3 to skills staves: These are staves that have a prefix that grants +3 to a specific skill tree of the Sorceress class, such as “+3 to Fire Skills” or “+3 to Lightning Skills”. These staves can also have a suffix that grants another bonus, such as “+20% Faster Cast Rate” or “+50% Damage To Undead”. These staves can amplify the damage and speed of the Sorceress class.


These examples of magic items can be very powerful and valuable in D2R. However, many more magic items can be useful and desirable for different classes and builds. You can find more information about these and other magic items on the video of Sweet Phil.


How to Find Them

To find magic items in Diablo 2 Resurrected, you need to kill enemies, open chests, buy from vendors, or craft with the Horadric Cube. Magic items are blue-colored items that have one or two random properties or modifiers that can enhance your character’s abilities and appearance. Magic items can have different quality levels, ranging from normal to superior, and different item levels, which determine the range and number of possible modifiers they can have.


The best way to find magic items is to increase your Magic Find (MF) stat, which increases the chance of getting higher-quality items from enemies and chests. You can increase your MF by wearing items that have the Magic Find modifier, such as Chance Guards (Gloves), Nagelring (Ring), or Gheed’s Fortune (Grand Charm). You can also use skills or items that increase your MF, such as the Find Item skill of the Barbarian or the Blade of Ali Baba (Sword).


Another way to find magic items is to target specific enemies or areas that have a higher chance of dropping them. Some of the best enemies to farm for magic items are bosses and super uniques, such as Andariel, Mephisto, Diablo, Baal, The Countess, Pindleskin, and others. These enemies have a higher drop rate and a higher item level than normal enemies, which means they can drop more and better magic items. You can also farm in level 85 areas, such as The Pit, Ancient Tunnels, Chaos Sanctuary, Worldstone Keep, and others. These areas have a high monster density and item level, meaning they can drop any magic item in the game.


You can also find magic items by buying them from vendors or crafting them with the Horadric Cube. Vendors can sell magic items randomly generated whenever you enter a town or talk to them. You can refresh their inventory by leaving and re-entering the town or by talking to another vendor. You can also craft magic items with the Horadric Cube using specific recipes involving runes, gems, jewels, and other ingredients.


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Magic items are one of the most important types of items in Diablo 2 Resurrected, and they can offer a lot of variety and customization for your characters. It would be best if you always watched for magic items that suit your needs and preferences, and you may be surprised by what you can find.



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