
Diablo 4 Season 6 Guide: All New Cat Mounts You Can Get

بواسطة Jessie
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Today, we will delve into all the cat mounts available in Diablo 4 Season 6: Vessel of Hatred. As many of you know, Season 6 introduced the lush jungle region of Nantu, and with it came a fantastic addition. Instead of horses, we now get to ride tigers, panthers, lions, and more. In this expansion, you can obtain 12 different cat mounts, and in this guide, I will rank them based on how difficult they are to acquire. Since many of these mounts require special mechanics to unlock or different methods, I have also linked individual guides at the end of the article to help you out. Alright, let’s get started!

Ranks 13 and 12: The Listic Panther and the Nantu Panther. These two cat mounts are the first ones you get when you head to the new Nantu region and find the mount vendor. You can purchase them for 100,000 D4 Gold.

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Rank 11: The Lucis Lion, which you can earn by completing the campaign story. I placed it at rank 11 because I personally believe it makes sense to finish the campaign before doing any open-world activities. This will not only help you unlock the map and waypoints but also give you a better understanding of everything that comes next.

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Rank 10: The Nantu Leopard. This mount is relatively quick to obtain because you only need to complete two new Nantu Legion Events. Once you unlock the area, you just need to wait for these events to spawn.

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Rank 9: The Nantu Puma. This will be the first dungeon-related cat mount you can get. You only need to complete the dungeon at the highest attunement level, which means level four. You can do it without any tributes, giving you as much time as possible without time penalties.

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Rank 8: The Dark Leopard. Once you finish the campaign, there is an additional quest line that I strongly suggest you follow. It’s called the Deeds of a Champion quest line, and it will not only grant you the Dark Leopard but also what I consider one of the best cat armors, the Canyon of Hatred.

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Rank 7: The Nantu Lioness. Season 6 introduced mercenaries, our loyal companions who fight with us and join us on the road. You can hire any of the four mercenaries, and each one can be leveled up to 10. Once you level up all mercenaries to 10, the reward will be the Lioness. This task is the first time-consuming one. It’s not hard, but remember to select the mercenary you want to level up as the main one, not the alternate. This way, all the experience you accumulate will go 100% to the mercenary you’re trying to level up.

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Rank 6: The Nantu Tiger. The tiger is one of the best-looking mounts in the game. It’s amazing, unique, and perfect. To get it, it’s not hard but time-consuming, as you need to complete 50 runs of the dungeon at the highest attunement level, which means level four each time. You don’t need any special tributes and can do it at the attunement level of your choice.

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Rank 5: The Nantu Cheetah. To get this amazing cat mount, you need to complete the Undercity Trailblazer achievement. No wonder you get the cheetah because you have to be extremely fast. The Trailblazer achievement requires a unique tribute, and first, you need to get your hands on this type of tribute. There are two types: Resolution and United. It doesn’t matter which one you use as long as you can clear it with maximum attunement. Remember, unique tributes have the hardest time penalties in the dungeon, making it a real challenge.

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Rank 4: The Longfur Beast. This one is a bit difficult because you can’t do it alone. You need to clear all three wings of the Dark Citadel. Remember, the Dark Citadel is one of the new activities you can do in Diablo 4 Season 6, and for that, you need to be strong, know what to do, and find good teammates. For specific tips, you can refer to this video.

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Rank 3: The Nantu Lion. To get this mount, you need to collect all the new altars or tenets in Nantu. Please note that there has been a bug since Season 6 was released, but there are many tips and tricks, such as changing difficulty, disabling crossplay, and more. I have also linked a full guide in the video description, but the important thing to consider is that it is possible to collect them and get the Nantu Lion.

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Rank 2: The Green-Eyed Devil. This task is hard because there are many bugs preventing players from completing all the side quests in Nantu. Even for me, it seems I have 43 out of 44 quests, but despite this, I was able to get the Green-Eyed Devil. This is why I believe you only need to reach 43 quests to unlock it. The most important thing is that there are three side quests most people miss, one of which you even have to finish in Kashad.

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Rank 1: The Babal Panther. This is the hardest to get because you need to reach Paragon 300, which is the hardest challenge in Diablo 4.

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Guides to individual cats:

1. Green Eyed Devil Cat: Diablo 4 – How to Get Pride of Nahantu and Green Eyed Devil Mount

2. Nahantu Lion: Diablo 4 - How to Get Nahantu Lion

3. Longfur Beast Mount: Diablo 4 – How to Get Longfur Beast Mount

4. Nahantu Cheetah: Diablo 4 – How to Get Nahantu Cheetah

5. Nahantu Tiger: Diablo 4 – How to Get the Nahantu Tiger

6. Nahantu Lioness Mount: Diablo 4 - How to Get Nahantu Lioness Mount

7. Dark Leopard: Diablo 4 – How to Get Dark Leopard and Scion of Hatred

8. Nahantu Puma: Diablo 4 - How to Get Nahantu Puma

9. Nahantu Leopard: Diablo 4 - How to Get Nahantu Leopard

So, there you have it, all the cat mounts ranked by difficulty. What you think of this list. Do you agree with the rankings? Which one was the hardest for you to get?

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