
Important Affair: Is Nostalrius Begins Going to Return

بواسطة Shirley Huang
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As all Nostalrius fans know, there is good news that Nostalrius begins may be returning, which is very exciting news for many nostalrius fans. Since they miss older versions of World of Warcraft.

WoW Vanilla is an attractive game, with the potential to be a tremendous success, even for players who had not played it before. Since many gamers are deeply in love with World of Warcraft universe. Legacy servers are a complementary service, actually broadens and strengthens the whole WoW community, bringing more challenges and fun to everyone.


Here MmoGah as a professional nostalrius gold and nostalrius power leveling site in the gaming industry who shares the important message that comes from latest Nostalrius announcement.

"So, it's time for us to release our source code and additional tools to the community in the hope that it will maintain the Legacy community as much as possible until Blizzard announces an official Legacy plan - should they decide to do that.
The source code will be first given to an existing Legacy project which we believe to be the most in line with our core values, named Elysium. This server shares the volunteer spirit and passion for the game we had. Furthermore, an important part of Nostalrius volunteers are already working there, some under different names. We wish them all the best, and hope that they will become a new home for the reunited Vanilla community. We will continue collaborating closely with them. This collaboration could include additional "things" to share with them if necessary to achieve this goal. In exchange, this server promised to not receive any profit from this activity. They will also have to create the documentation required to install, understand and use the work we did. 
Once this work has been done, source code & documentation will be release to the public."



There are a large number of comments from players. For example:

Forest: "No database release? All our characters are lost... Extremely disappointed."

Crossbreed: "Thanks for your big effort to keep legacy alive - in spite of the unclear legal situation/risk on your side.
I hope Elysium will greatly benefit from your code, but I don't have any doubts there as I know you will have put a lot of thought into how and whom release this code to.
So stupid question, but I assume this does mean will we have to wait for a while for a new server based on Nostalrius technique would be opened up? As it doesn't make sense starting anywhere on their existing server right now, hoping they'd merge their code base somehow eventually."

Roadbl0ck: "Several months too late, and with important caveats (couldn't resist fucking over Twinstar/Kronos haha), but at least you are keeping to one part of your original announcement. Better late than never." 

Phyriel: "Guys don't go full retard yet. When they shutdown they promised us source code and database. Now they decided to release source code and they said they will aid Elysium in development. I'm just curious if database will follow too."

From above the information, you can see that there are many players (one million registered accounts) are eager for Nostalrius's returning. Ever since Blizzard forced them to shut Nostalrius down to protect their IP, tensions have been running high. Blizzard brokered a brief pseudo-peace by inviting Nostalrius’ staff to a big meeting and expressing preliminary interest in creating their own legacy servers. However, there was no response for a long time. So Nostalrius team decided to release their source code.


Of course, there are questions that we can't confirm until now.

1. Will Nostalrius begins return? If yes, when it returns?

2. Are Nostalrius and Elysium merged? Will all the source code and documentation be transferred to Elysium?

3. It’s like launching a new game, so what is the new game name? Nostalrius begins, Nostalriusbegins or Elysium?


The next announcement is coming on this Sunday (November 13th). I am sure all the Nostalrius fans look forward to hearing the good news. Let's expect its coming!

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