
A Guide to 2023 Zeal of Zenithar Event of ESO

بواسطة Michel Z
تم النشر بتاريخ 
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In 2023, the Zeal of Zenithar event will return to The Elder Scrolls Online on July 27. During the event, Zenithar, the god of commerce, labor, and cooperation, will reward you for your hard work! Follow Zurga's guide to learn how to participate and discover the exciting rewards waiting for you in the game.


The Introductory Quest

Receive the Zeal of Zenithar Introductory quest for free at the Crown Store

Receive the Zeal of Zenithar Introductory quest for free at the Crown Store

As usual, you can pick up the introductory quest: The Unrefusable Offer in the Crown Store. This is completely free of charge. To complete the quest, travel to Graglorn and find Amminus Varo at the festival grounds. Upon completing his quest, you will receive a purple Zenithar's Delightful Parcel.


How to Get Zenithar Reward Boxes and Event Tickets

After completing the introductory quest, there will be a new one requiring you to speak to Fasaria, who gives you a daily quest. When you pray to the statue of Zenithar, you will be presented with three tasks to choose from and complete:


•    Gain a level or earn a Champion Point

•    Unearth an Antiquity or Treasure Chest

•    Trade with Guild Traders


Fasaria's daily quest will give you three Event Tickets and a gold Zenithar's Sublime Parcel. Please be aware that in order to fulfill of the tasks, the minimum gold required to be spent at an ESO Guild Trader has been raised to 10,000 from the previous amount of 5,000.The good news is that you can find Fasaria at any Impresario tent if you've completed the introductory quest, not only in Craglorn, as it used to be.


Remember that you can only hold up to 12 Event Tickets in inventory, so if the number of your tickets has reached the maximum, make sure you spend them before earning more, or the extra ones will disappear.


Earn More Reward Boxes

Besides the reward boxes you get from the introductory quest and the daily quest, you will also obtain a purple Zenithar's Delightful Parcel from the tasks below:


•    Completing Fasaria's daily quest on other characters after the first each day

•    Completing a basic daily crafting writ (once per day, per account)

•    Completing a Master Writ once per day, per account, per crafting discipline (Blacksmithing, Woodworking, Clother, Jewelry Crafting, Alchemy, Provisioning, and Enchanting)

•    Stealing boxes from civilians of Tamriel (a small chance from pickpocketing, looting safeboxes, and opening Thieves Troves)

•    Defeating a world boss or world event while grouped with a guild mate (100% drop chance). 

•    Doing group Arena rounds, while grouped with a guild mate (50% drop chance on non-final rounds, 100% on final round). 


Zenithar Reward Box Content

Kwama Miner's Kit style

Ashen Militia Weapon style

Zenithar's Sublime Parcels and Zenithar's Delightful Parcels will contain:


•    Two New Outfit Pages for Kwama Miner's Kit and Ashen Militia Weapons

•    A returning High Rock Spellsword Breeches Outfit Style Pages

•    Crafting Resources

•    Style Items for Motifs

•    Crafting Boosters

•    Research Scrolls

•    Furnishing and Provisioning Recipes

•    Repair Kits

•    Treasure Maps

•    Imperial City Vault Keys

•    Companion Gear

•    Currency Pouchers for Gold and Tel Var Stones


Global Effects

During the events, the following global effects are in place:


•    Wayshrine travel costs are reduced by 75%

•    Repair costs at vendors are reduced by 50%

•    Crafting Inspiration gain from all sources is increased by 100%

•    Vendor prices across Tamriel are reduced by 10%.


These Include

•    Vendors that sell items for gold, AP, or Tel Var Stones

•    Houses purchasable for gold


These Do Not Include:

•    Bag or Bank Space upgrades

•    Currency Vendors that do not sell things for gold, AP, or Tel Var Stones

•    Guild Traders


The Impresario

Passion Dancer Garment Costume

During the event, the Impresario's store will offer:


•    All Three Fragments for Passion Dancer Blossom Pet

•    A Fragment for Passion Dancer Garment Costume

•    Companion Guild Commendation

•    Style Pages for Kwama Miner's Kit and Ashen Militia Weapons

•    Impresario's Group Repair Kit

Impresario's Assistant

It's important to mention that Philius Dormier, the assistant of the Impresario, can supply you with the Unstable Morpholith pet fragments and fragments for the Deadlands Firewalker personality from 2021. His inventory will vary with the seasons, similar to the Indrik Vendor.


The Indrik Vendor

Mossheart Indrik Mount and Onyx Indrik Mount

You can find the Indrik Vendor near Belkarth in Craglorn. She will offer the items below:


•    Berries for Mossheart Indrik Mount and Onyx Indrik Mount

•    Feathers for Nascent Indrik Mount

•    Ebon Glow Indrik Pet

•    Sapling Indrik Pet


If you found Zurga's video guide helpful, please give the video a thumbs up and subscribe to her channel for more future content. 


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