
Final Fantasy XIV: New Optional Items Are Added to Mog Station

بواسطة John Ryan
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Recently some new optional items are added to Mog Station. It includes minions, seasonal items and so on. Optional items at Mog station are always popular among FFXIV fans. Many new items even limited or have such a low drop rate. Here Mmogah introduces more about optional items to you.

The new optional items which are added to Mog Station are as following.

Emote: Bomb Dance

Blackflame Lord's Yukata

Whiteflame Lord's Yukata

Blueflame Lord's Yukata

Redfly Lady's Yukata

Bluefly Lady's Yukata

Pinkfly Lady's Yukata

Minion: Minfilia

Minion: Thancred

Final Fantasy XIV: New Optional Items Are Added to Mog Station

For many new players who play Final Fantasy XIV after Heavensward online, they may not know what optional Items are. Are optional items bought with FFXIV Gil? Here you may know more about another “Market” Mog Station.

Mog Station is the account management system for Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. Within Mog Station the player can manage their monthly subscription payment and purchase optional services. On October 27, 2014 Square Enix implemented a cash shop to the Mog Station. It can provide the following service:

l  Account management

l  World transfer service

l  Veteran Rewards

l  Optional Items

Veteran Reward are special in-game item bonuses awarded based on how long the player has had an active subscription. These rewards will be distributed via the moogle delivery service once the player has reached a certain number of days subscribed. Veteran Rewards are granted based on the number of days subscribed rather than time played. For example, a player who subscribes for 90 days is eligible to receive the 30, 60, and 90 day Veteran Rewards all on their first day.

Optional Items are the items which can be purchased via Mog Station. They are minions, mounts, mounts, outfits, seasonal items and so on. Some of the optional items limit quantity. For some players who miss some seasonal events such as Moonfire Faire, Hatching Tide, Little Ladies’ Day, they can purchase these seasonal events’ rewards at Mog Station. Of course you can’t get the seasonal items from the seasonal events that happen recently. But it is the only chance to get the seasonal items you missed.

As the largest FFXIV Gil seller and the largest FFXIV service site, Mmogah recommends you to get seasonal items during seasonal events. It takes just a little of Final Fantasy XIV Gil to buy seasonal items from NPC during seasonal events. If you are worry about missing seasonal events, you can pay attention to the FFXIV News at Mmogah. We are always trying our best to provide the freshest news to you. And whenever you need to buy FF14 Gil or FFXIV Power Leveling, Mmogah is your best choice. Our Live Chat is 24/7 online waiting for you.

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