
The Crafting Players in FFXIV with FFXIV GIL

بواسطة John Ryan
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----A recommendation from one of our dearest customers

For some players, I should be called a casual player in FF14, I didn’t care about the gear from dungeons, in contrast, I would like to spend more time to be a crafting player. When my Bard got level 50, I immediately upgraded my craft jobs. Now I have upgraded all craft jobs to level 50, it didn’t cost me too much time, but it did cost me quite a lot of ffxiv gil.


Most of the players who are addicted in crafting may want to earn much FFXIV gil to be rich. But I still believe that there are some players who upgrade craft jobs just for hobby like me. Now the friends in my company often call me “Crafting Master Mina L” and ask me to help them to make Relic Weapons and other green gear. Also if they want to upgrade their craft jobs they usually request me to make HQ for them. I enjoy the feeling that I am needed by my friends, they always say “Mina L’s HQ is better than anyone else” as a joke. Of course I have made more friends, it makes my journey in Eorzea more interesting. By the way, I made almost all of the furniture in our company housing. Just like the players who enjoy in the dungeons, making the gadgets makes me content.

Based on my experience, if you want to upgrade all craft jobs to level 50, you have two options to choose, enough time or enough FF14 GIL. For me, I couldn’t take too much time to play, I still have my own work to do. So I choose to buy some. By the way, Mmogah is a good option to buy ffxiv gil, according to my experience, it is really fast and safe.

Upgrading so many craft jobs, the experience I can share is rational using Levequestpreparing enough shards and materials, at best the materials are HQ, because the more HQ you have, the less Levequest you take. When a craft job is upgraded full, the FFXIV gil costing is not over. If you want to do star-making, you should buy or make the green quality gear, and slot Materia in, it is also a big spending.

Everyone has its own opinion to play FFXIV, I’d like everyone can share what I say, to someone else, it may be an interesting experience.


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