
Fortnite: Top 5 Best Weapons

بواسطة Michel Z
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What is the best weapon that you must have in Fortnite? Today we will be rating the top 5 best weapons in Fortnite: Save the World. I wish this guide can help those gamers who have no idea about which weapon to use for defending zombies in the game.



No. 5: Tiger

This is probably the best ranged weapon in the game. When engaging the zombies at distance, you can target them straight away with Tiger, and that will kill the boss almost every single time. It doesn’t do the best damage if you hit the body, but once you hit the head, it will do a great damage. If you can get headshots on the big bosses with Tiger, then you can definitely mow down a lot of enemies.

Below is an elemental damage guide for you to plan which weapons to bring into missions to use against elemental enemies.  





From the picture above, you can see which one is effective against zombies: If you are fighting a Water zombie, you’ll want to use Nature; if you are fighting a Fire zombie, you’ll want to use Water; if you are fighting a Nature zombie, you’ll want to use Fire. Physical is not as good as Energy.

No. 4: Typewriter

What makes Typewriter one of the best weapons is its fire rate. Its fire rate isn’t super, but it’s good enough to get a decent amount of accuracy, and that is sometimes what you need in Save the World. As you can see in postboxpat’s video, with a high capacity magazine, this is a very effective weapon that can do a great amount of damage.

No. 3:

Siegebreaker has the ability to shoot light bullets which is such a good ability. Some people think Siegebreaker is not as good as Nocturno. Nocturno is a great gun with default perks. But in fact, you can customize your Siegebreaker to be better than Nocturno as long as you get the right perks on it.

No. 2: Grave digger

This is a great weapon with amazing perk, damage, and stats. But not many people have this weapon because this is an OG weapon. To get it, you have to play at Halloween and complete all the quests. However, you can buy this weapon easily on the Fortnite Items page at MmoGah. 

The only downside to it is that Grave digger only shoots medium bullets. But other than that it is an amazing weapon, and when you fully upgraded it, there is nothing better than Grave digger. So it is by far the best weapon in Save the World. 

Keep in mind that don’t use Grave digger until you get to higher missions because you don’t want to waste your Grave digger’s durability on lower missions which can be completed with default weapons, or those weapons that you picked up on the floor or given by someone.

Please click YouTuber postboxpat's video for more details about the top 5 best weapons in Fortnite: Save the World, and all the content of this article is quoted from his video:


No. 1: Traps

Traps are by far the best way of killing Husks in Fortnite: Save the World. When you are building your Survivor squad for the missions on Twine peaks, you’ll want to make sure your tech is as high as possible, and Tech is the Traps. If you effectively set up the Traps, you can mow down nearly every type of Husk. 

Traps can't be used for effectively defending Smashers. Smashers are a kind of zombies that can break through anything apart from they don’t really charge at stairs. So you’ll need a decent weapon such like Siegebreaker or Grave digger to defend them.

Keep checking back for more Fortnite news and guides on MmoGah. MmoGah provides various kinds of Fortnite Items like materials, weapons, and traps for you to skip grind and enjoy the game.


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