
HorizonXI Jobs Tier List – Which One to Choose?

بواسطة Penny
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HorizonXI is a private server for Final Fantasy XI, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game that was released in 2002. HorizonXI offers a variety of features and enhancements to the original game, such as increased experience rates, custom content, quality of life improvements, and more. One of the most important aspects of the game is the choice of jobs, which are the classes or professions that determine your character's abilities, skills, and role in combat. There are 15 jobs available on HorizonXI at launch, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. If you are wondering which job is the best for you, here is a tier list of the jobs on HorizonXI based on their performance, versatility, and popularity. Also, if you need Gil for your HorizonXI character boosting, welcome to MmoGah store. Here you can enjoy fast delivery and reasonable price.





These are the jobs that are considered the most powerful, useful, and desirable on HorizonXI. They have high damage output, survivability, utility, and demand in parties. They can also solo or duo most content with ease. The S-tier jobs are:


Beastmaster: Beastmaster is a job that can tame and control various monsters as pets. They can use their pets to tank, damage, or heal for them, as well as use special abilities called "Ready" moves. Beastmaster is one of the best solo jobs on HorizonXI, as they can handle almost any situation with their pets. They can also be very effective in parties, as they can provide support, crowd control, or extra damage. It is also one of the most popular jobs on HorizonXI, as many players enjoy the variety and fun of having different pets.


Bard: Bard is a job that can use songs to buff their allies or debuff their enemies. They can sing multiple songs at once, creating powerful effects that can enhance the performance of their party members. Bard is one of the most useful and versatile jobs on HorizonXI, as they can adapt to any situation and role. They can also solo or duo some content with their songs and weaponskills. Bard is one of the most demanded jobs on HorizonXI, as they are always welcome in any party composition.


Black Mage: Black Mage can use elemental magic to deal massive damage to their enemies. They can also use enfeebling magic to weaken their foes or enhancing magic to boost themselves or their allies. Black Mage is one of the best damage dealers on HorizonXI, as they can unleash devastating spells that can wipe out entire groups of enemies. They can also solo or duo some content with their magic and kiting skills. It is popular on HorizonXI, as many players enjoy the thrill and satisfaction of blowing things up.



These are the jobs that are considered very good, effective, and enjoyable on HorizonXI. They have high potential, flexibility, and fun factor. They can perform well in most content and situations. The A-tier jobs are:


Blue Mage: Blue Mage can learn and use various abilities from monsters. They can customize their spell set to suit their needs and preferences. Blue Mage is one of the most versatile and creative jobs on HorizonXI, as they can access a wide range of spells that can deal damage, heal, buff, debuff, or control enemies. They can also solo or duo some content with their spells and weaponskills.


Corsair: Corsair is a job that can use dice rolls to grant random buffs to themselves or their party members. They can also use cards to manipulate the outcome of their rolls or deal damage to their enemies. It is also one of the most stylish jobs on HorizonXI, as many players enjoy the pirate theme and aesthetic of the job.


Ninja: Ninja can use ninjutsu to cast elemental spells or create shadows that absorb attacks. They can also use dual wield to attack with two weapons at once or throw shurikens at their enemies. Ninja is one of the most agile and durable jobs on HorizonXI, as they can evade or absorb most attacks with their shadows and ninjutsu.



These are the jobs that are considered good, solid, and reliable on HorizonXI. They have decent performance, capability, and demand. They can handle some content and situations well. The B-tier jobs are:


Red Mage: Red Mage can use both white magic and black magic, as well as melee attacks and weaponskills. They can also use enfeebling magic to weaken their enemies or enhancing magic to boost themselves or their allies. Red Mage is one of the most balanced and adaptable jobs on HorizonXI, as they can do a bit of everything and fill any role.


Samurai: Samurai can use powerful weaponskills and special abilities called "Meditate" and "Sekkanoki" to deal high damage to their enemies. They can also use two-handed katanas or polearms as their weapons of choice. Samurai is one of the most consistent and strong damage dealers on HorizonXI, as they can generate and use a lot of TP with their weaponskills and abilities. They can also solo or duo some content with their damage and survivability skills. Samurai is also one of the noblest and most graceful jobs on HorizonXI, as many players enjoy the samurai theme and culture of the job.


White Mage: White Mage use healing magic to restore the HP or status of themselves or their party members. They can also use enhancing magic to protect or empower themselves or their allies. White Mage is one of the most essential and helpful jobs on HorizonXI, as they can keep their party alive and healthy with their healing and enhancing magic.



These are the jobs that are considered average, decent, and acceptable on HorizonXI. They have moderate performance, potential, and fun factors. They can manage some content and situations decently. The C-tier jobs are:


Dark Knight: Dark Knight is a job that can use dark magic to drain the HP or MP of their enemies or sacrifice their own HP or MP to deal more damage. They can also use two-handed scythes or great swords as their weapons of choice. Dark Knight is one of the riskiest and rewarding jobs on HorizonXI, as they can deal high damage at the cost of their own health or resources. They can also solo or duo some content with their drain and absorb skills.


Paladin: Paladin can use sword and shield to defend themselves or their party members from enemy attacks. They can also use white magic to heal themselves or their allies or enhance their defense or resistance. Paladin is one of the most defensive and supportive jobs on HorizonXI, as they can tank and protect their party with their sword and shield and white magic. They can also solo or duo some content with their defense and healing skills. Paladin is also one of the most loyal and righteous jobs on HorizonXI, as many players enjoy the paladin theme and duty of the job.


Ranger: Ranger can use ranged attacks with bows, crossbows, or guns to deal damage to their enemies from a distance. They can also use special abilities called "Barrage" and "Sharpshot" to increase their accuracy or damage output. Ranger is one of the most accurate and precise jobs on HorizonXI, as they can hit their targets from afar with their ranged attacks and abilities. They can also solo or duo some content with their ranged attacks and kiting skills. Ranger is also one of the most adventurous and natural jobs on HorizonXI, as many players enjoy the ranger theme and environment of the job.



These are the jobs that are considered below average, weak, or boring on HorizonXI. They have low performance, versatility, or popularity. They struggle in most content and situations. The D-tier jobs are:


Dragoon: Dragoon is a job that can use polearms to attack their enemies with powerful thrusts or jumps. They can also summon a wyvern as a pet that will assist them in combat with breath attacks or healing effects. Dragoon is one of the most underwhelming and disappointing jobs on HorizonXI, as they have low damage output, survivability, utility, and demand in parties. They can also solo or duo some content with their wyvern and jump skills, but not very efficiently or effectively. Dragoon is also one of the most unpopular and neglected jobs on HorizonXI, as many players avoid or ignore the Dragoon theme and gameplay of the job.


Monk: Monk is a job that can use hand-to-hand combat to attack their enemies with fast punches or kicks. They can also use special abilities called "Boost" and "Focus" to increase their attack power or accuracy. Monk is one of the most simple and boring jobs on HorizonXI, as they have low variety, complexity, or fun factor in their combat. They can also solo or duo some content with their attack and evasion skills, but not very impressively or enjoyably. Monk is also one of the most common and bland jobs on HorizonXI, as many players find the monk theme and appearance of the job dull and unappealing.


Warrior: Warrior can use various weapons to attack their enemies with brute force or weaponskills. They can also use special abilities called "Berserk" and "Warcry" to increase their damage output or morale. Warrior is one of the most basic and generic jobs on HorizonXI, as they have low uniqueness, innovation, or charm in their combat. They can also solo or duo some content with their damage and defense skills, but not very remarkably or satisfyingly. Warrior is also one of the most overused and oversaturated jobs on HorizonXI, as many players choose the warrior theme and role of the job without much thought or passion.


These are the tier list of the jobs on HorizonXI based on their performance, versatility, and popularity. Of course, this tier list is not absolute or definitive, as different jobs may have different strengths and weaknesses depending on the content, situation, or preference. You can also mix and match different jobs by using the subjob system, which allows you to use some of the abilities and skills of another job as your secondary job. I hope this tier list helps you choose your job on HorizonXI. Have fun playing HorizonXI!

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