
New Update-The Monster Card Equip System in Tree of Savior

بواسطة John Ryan
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It is fairly simple to equip the cards in Tree of Savior, in the card slot you can either use the right click or drag and drop them. In order to increase its effect players can use different cards to receive different benefits or can use multiple copies of one card.


The feature is still being developed so be careful, what they show now may not look the same as the finished product. So what exactly is this monster card equip system you might ask. Well, they are equipable, just like your regular items, and they have their own unique bonuses! They will be hard to attain, so don’t think this will be some simple task. The developers plan on making the cards drop from Cubes which are acquired after defeating field boss monsters and bosses from instanced dungeons and missions. Your characters will get slots for the Monster Cards and you will get more slots as you get more ranks with your character. So if you’re, let’s say, a Rank 5 character, you will have 5 Monster Cards slots available to you in your inventory.


What are the boss cards for?

The sorcerer can summon monsters from the boss cards. Every wizard class is "strong". You attach the card to your grimore, and once you summon the boss, it can be used to attack (it attacks automatically and uses skills automatically, you can only control where it attacks, it attacks all enemies in the specified area). You can also ride your summoned boss around like a mount.


You can summon a familiar (that explodes for burst damage), a fire demon (that attacks for sustained damage), and a cat (that buffs you), along with the summoned boss.


What is the Monster Card Equip System?

We plan on making Monster Cards obtainable through the Cubes acquired after defeating field boss monsters and instanced dungeon/mission bosses.


Our goal is to create a function where these cards can be equipped by a character, just like equipment items. The Monster Cards will then have their own effects that are applied to the character when they equip the cards.


Equipping Monster Cards

New Monster Card slots will be added to the characters’ inventories. Each rank of your character will grant them one slot, so for instance, a Rank 5 character will have 5 Monster Card slots in their Inventory.

New Update-The Monster Card Equip System in Tree of Savior

To equip a card from your inventory, you can either right-click it or drag and drop it on the card slot. You can equip different cards and receive their diverse types of benefits at once, or you can equip multiples of the same card and focus on a single effect that you want to multiply.


Can Monster Cards be Unequipped?

Monster Cards can be freely equipped and unequipped. Unequipping a Monster Card, however, will cause its EXP to decrease. See the images below.

New Update-The Monster Card Equip System in Tree of Savior

Each rank of your character will grant them one slot, so for instance, a Rank 5 character will have 5 Monster Card slots in their Inventory. New Monster Card slots will be added to the characters' inventories.


You can equip different cards and receive their diverse types of benefits at once, or you can equip multiples of the same card and focus on a single effect that you want to multiply. To equip a card from your inventory in tree of savior, you can either right-click it or drag and drop it on the card slot.


After defeating field boss monsters and instanced dungeon/mission bosses Monster Cards will be obtained from Cubes acquired. These monster cards can be equipped by a character with this function, just like equipment items. When they equip the cards the Monster Cards will then have their own effects that are applied to the character.


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