
Path of Exile - Will Dying Influence Your Losses in Experience Points

بواسطة Leo Jiang
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At the present time, the loss of PoE Items will not be the penalty for dying in Path of Exile, however the 10 percent decrease in experience points is a certain thing. Some players argue that the penalty for dying in merciless is something necessary, being that it is the game’s main limiting factor. Are you agree with this point?


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I think there are some players, especially those who don’t know this “death penalty,” or those who are new to the game, they may wonder whether actually there is an impact of the loss of experience points at all. Firstly, we must understand that every player’s experience is different, so their goals in playing the game are different.

Some players choose to finish maps in schedule/record time, others like to gather more and more Path of Exile Items as possible such as poe exalted orb, while others play a slower, conservative, or even passive in the game. In the meantime, some players have a very good map pool, whereas others may be stuck in the middle of an unlucky streak, having to grind lower level maps.


Make short of long, different players have different situations. For example, players at level 85 may have different circumstances and conditions that make their experiences different, and it is wrong to say that losses of experience points at the time of death are the same for players at the same level.


Some players maybe ask “Why does the death penalty exist to begin with?” We haven’t got any official information from the developers till now, but we can guess that they want to limit the number of players who come close to, or reach a maximum level, as well as to control players who have achieved circumvention of the penalty from the player pool accordingly.


Risk exists indeed. Punishment for dying has the risk of driving players away from PoE. You can take away rewards that have been rightfully earned. It looks like an employee who is paid an hourly wage to do a job that comes with an expected exposure to risk and hazards. Getting one’s salary deducted as well would be certainly unacceptable.

So what are the acceptable modifications to this penalty? My personal opinion is that removing the deduction of experience points wholly after one player achieves a certain level, or after having played a certain number of hours. Another method is that players with a buff, based on reaching a landmark number of minutes or hours lasted without dying can get corresponding reward. In any case, the goal should encourage players to keep playing and improving their skills instead of punishing them for it.


Above is about dying influence in experience points, only for your reference. If you are interested in more poe news, welcome you to visit us.


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