
PoE Farming Guide 3.25: In-Depth Ultimatum Farming Strat and Tips

By Nancy G
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This is an in-depth guide for the Ultimatum farming strategy that covers everything from Atlas Trees to Scarabs and Inscribed Ultimatums for Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur.


How to Farm Ultimatum

● 10 max waves (13 if buffed)

● Objectives: protect altar, kill enemies, survive, and conquer circles

● You can leave between stages. If you fail the encounter, you will lose everything.


How to Profit from Ultimatum


If there are no scarabs, they always appear at waves 4 and 8.


If there are no scarabs, always appear at wave 8+.


Profitable Catalysts

● Most cost little, but quantity > quality

● Prismatic and Fertile catalysts are good


How Inscribed Ultimatums Work

● Special map item

● Offer types:

A. Sacrifice unique for a unique

B. Double a stack of currency

C. Double 1/2 stack of div cards

D. Mirror a rare item

● You fail and lose items


Inscribed Tiers

Tier 0: 200% Life

Tier 1: 120% Life

Tier 2: 70% Life

Tier 3: 30% Life

Tier 4: no Life mods


 Ultimatum Farming tier


Utilizing Tiers

● Sell 5 Inscribed to receive back a new random one.

● Sell Inscribed only of the same tier.


How to Profit from Bad Catalysts

● When rerolling, we target:

#1 prismatic

#2 fertile

● If you get one of them, stop and go for another stack


 Ultimatum Farming Catalysts


Maps that Work Best with Ultimatum

Unstable Gulf Dunes Map: look for open space layouts, such as Mesa and Dunes.

Chaos Depths Sepulchre Map: Sepulchre is an interesting option. Ultimatum there spawns close to the entrance.


Rerolling Maps

● Generally, quantity is not important unless you run a catalyst strategy.

● Is the tier 17 map better for Ultimatum? The difference is small and mostly isn't worth the hassle.



In PoE 3.25, Ultimatum is a pretty fun mechanic that could be interacted with in many ways. There are different farming strategies and things to keep in mind, and if you feel strong, you can also run an Inscribed Ultimatum for a nice profit.

All the above content and images come from Ronarray. If you like this farming guide, please watch his original YouTube video to find more details, such as "How to Price Check Inscribed Ultimatums?" "How to Profit from Bad Catalysts?" "Which Challenge is Best to Run?" and more Atlas strategies.


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