
The Ultimate Guide to Naxxramas Raid in WoW Classic WotLK

بواسطة Bmichaellogan
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Naxxramas, the dreaded necropolis of the Scourge, has been resurrected and now looms over Wintergarde Keep in Northrend.


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Naxxramas is one of the best raids in Wrath of the Lich King for a number of reasons.

1. It is one of the largest and most detailed raid instances in the game, with a wide variety of bosses and mechanics.

2. It has a unique setting, being an enormous floating citadel inhabited by the undead.

3. It has an excellent soundtrack that adds to the atmosphere of the raid.

4. It is simply a fun and challenging raid to play, with many memorable moments.


WoW WotLK Classic gold is essential for any raider looking to progress through Naxxramas. The WotLK expansion introduced a number of new features and mechanics that require gold to take full advantage of. To start with, WotLK increased the level cap from 70 to 80. This meant that raiders needed to invest in new, more powerful gear in order to be competitive. In addition, WotLK also introduced a number of challenging new raid encounters, many of which required expensive consumables in order to be completed. Finally, WotLK also changed the way that reputation was earned, making it more difficult to obtain the gear and mounts that were previously available.


The Naxxramas raid is considered one of World of Warcraft's hardest raids. The raid requires a high level of coordination and communication among the 10-man raid group. The Naxxramas raid is also unforgiving, as there is little margin for error. If one player makes a mistake, it can often mean wiping the entire raid. As a result, the Naxxramas raid is not for the faint of heart. Players looking for a challenge will find that the Naxxramas raid provides a unique and rewarding experience.



If you do not have much time to grind Naxxramas dungeon, you can buy boosting service to help you.


This time, players have the opportunity to explore this 10-man raid instance and face off against all of its bosses, including Death Knight Instructor Razuvious, Gothik the Harvester, The Four Horsemen - Lord Marrowgar, Lady Blameaux, Sir Zeliek, and Patchwerk. In this ultimate guide, we will provide you with tips on how to kill each boss, as well as maps and strategies for defeating Naxxramas.


The Arachnid Quarter

Naxxramas is home to the arachnid quarter, which comprises four bosses: Anub'Rekhan, Grand Widow Faerlina, Maexxna, and Noth the Plaguebringer. In this guide, we'll take a comprehensive look at each of these bosses and provide strategies on how to defeat them.


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Anub'Rekhan is a large spider-like creature with two massive scythe-like claws. He has several abilities that he will use throughout the fight, including Locust Swarm, which will deal damage and cause players to flee in terror; Impale, which will deal damage and stun a player; and Carrion Grubs, which will hatch from corpses and attack players. The key to this fight is to kill the Carrion Grubs as soon as they hatch, as they can quickly overwhelm the raid if left unchecked. Additionally, players should spread out to avoid being hit by multiple locusts, and healers should be prepared to heal those who are affected by Impale.


Grand Widow Faerlina

Grand Widow Faerlina is another large spider-like creature with two long stingers protruding from her back. She has a number of abilities at her disposal, including Rain of Fire, which will deal damage to everyone in the raid; Web Wrap, which will bind a player in place; and Frenzy, which will increase her damage output. The key to this fight is to kill the Web Wraps as soon as they appear, as they can quickly turn into Frenzied Spawns that will attack the raid. Also, healers should be aware of Rain of Fire and be prepared to heal those affected by it. Finally, DPS should focus on bringing down Faerlina before she goes into Frenzy, as she will be much more difficult to deal with once she does.



Maexxna is a massive spider with two long fangs that drips poisonous venom. She has a number of abilities that she will use throughout the fight, including Poison Spit, which will deal damage and apply a poison debuff; Web Spray, which will cover players in webbing; and Necrotic Poison, which will deal damage over time and reduce healing received. The key to this fight is to kite Maexxna around so that she doesn't have an opportunity to use her webbing ability on too many players at once. Additionally, DPS should focus on burning down her enrage timer before she goes into Frenzy mode and becomes much more difficult to deal with. Finally, healers should be aware of Necrotic Poison and be prepared to cleanse those who are affected by it.


The Plague Quarter

The Plague Quarter is the third wing of Naxxramas, an end-game dungeon introduced in World of Warcraft's Wrath of the Lich King Classic expansion. This guide will help you navigate your way through the quarter and defeat its final boss, Kel'Thuzad.


The first thing you'll notice upon entering the Plague Quarter is the stench. This wing is home to many of Naxxramas' abomination servants, and the smell is unpleasant, to say the least. You'll have to hold your nose and press on, though, as there are plenty of challenges awaiting you in this wing.


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One of the first things you'll need to do is deal with Instructor Razuvious. He's located in the central room of the quarter and guarded by four Understudy minions. Take out the understudies first, then focus on Razuvious himself. He has two main abilities you'll need to watch out for: Disrupting Shout and Unbalancing Strike. Disrupting Shout will interrupt any spellcasting going on in the area, so be sure to take it out as soon as possible. Unbalancing Strike is a physical attack that will leave you vulnerable to further damage, so be sure to keep your health up. Once Razuvious is down, loot his body for [Razuvious' Whistle]. This whistle can be used to control the Understudies in future encounters.


Noth the Plaguebringer - Noth is a skeletal mage who wields a staff adorned with skulls. He has a number of abilities that he will use throughout the fight, including the Curse of Years, which will apply a curse debuff that increases in intensity over time; Chains of Kel'Thuzad, which will root players in place; and summoning Void Zones, which are void zones that players must stay out of or they will take damage over time. The key To this fight is avoiding the Void Zones while still dealing with Noth's other abilities. Additionally, DPS should focus on burning down his enrage timer before he goes into Frenzy mode and becomes much more difficult to deal with. Finally, healers should be aware of Curse of Years and be prepared to cleanse those who are affected by it.


The Construct Quarter

Your next stop will be the Construct Quarter, where you'll find Patchwerk waiting for you. Patchwerk is a giant abomination with a simple but deadly modus operandi: he wants to beat you to death with his enormous fists. He doesn't have any fancy abilities or spells; he just hits really hard. Be sure to keep your health up and use whatever healing cooldowns you have available; Patchwerk will go down eventually, but it won't be easy.


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Once Patchwerk is defeated, head over to Grobbulus' room in the northeast corner of the quarter. Grobbulus is another abomination, but this one comes with a few more tricks up its sleeve. In addition to hitting hard like Patchwerk, Grobbulus also has a poisonous attack called Mutating Injection that will afflict players with a disease that does damage over time. He also periodically releases clouds of poison gas into the room that will damage anyone caught in it. The best strategy for taking him down is to focus fire on him while avoiding his attacks as much as possible; again, healing cooldowns will be key here. Once he's down, loot his body for [Grobbulus' Venom Sac]. This sac can be used later in the encounter with Gluth to cure players who have been infected with Mutating Injection.


Your last stop in this wing will be Thaddius' room in the southwest corner. Well, he's something else entirely. He's actually two abominations fused together into Stalagg and Feugen, and he has two unique abilities as a result. First is Polarity Shift, which randomly assigns all players in the raid either a + charge or a - charge; players with matching charges will deal damage each other if they get too close, so it's important that everyone stay spread out during this phase of the fight. Second is Magnetic Pull, which pulls all players towards Thaddius regardless of their charge; again, spreading out will be key here. The best strategy for taking him down is simply to focus all your damage on him while avoiding his abilities as much as possible; once he's down, loot his body for [Thaddius' Polarity Shift]. This shift can be used later in the encounter with Gluth to reverse the charges on players who have been affected by Polarity Shift.


Overall, Naxxramas was an exceptional raid that we're glad they brought back in Wrath of the Lich King Classic.


Related Link: 

Wrath of the Lich King Classic Naxxramas Guide



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