
The Latest Stages of WoW Classic Development and Bug Fixes

By Shirley Huang
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World of Warcraft Classic has released a demo in late 2018 to give fans a taste of what the wow classic will be. After that, there is not any updated news about the wow classic, so many wow fans are eager to know how development of the wow classic.

The WoW Classic team has posted a status update about what is has been working on most recently, and has confirmed that more information is inbound. MmoGah has more than 10 years’ experience in the market, which has earned high reputation

Community Manager Kaivax said:

“Hello Classic enthusiasts! We’ve been following the discussions about Classic closely here on the forums (and elsewhere) throughout the winter, and wanted to give you an update on a few things that the Classic development team has worked through since BlizzCon and the Classic demo.

The feedback we got from the demo was fantastic. Thank you to everyone who gave us so much feedback to work with, especially the community members who compiled lists of issues that people found with the demo. We’ve looked at everything that was reported, and want to share a few anecdotes with you so you can see how we’re tackling these issues.

One thing many players noticed was the incorrect health regeneration and the spell critical hit multiplier. Good catch! Going into the demo, we thought we’d fixed that and were surprised to see the issue crop up. We also did combat and regeneration tests to make sure we had those accurate.

Tracking that down taught us how to best check our environment configuration as we prepare it before launch.

Another issue players reported was that Warlock demon summoning was broken. We double-checked, as soon as you started summoning a new demon, your existing demon disappeared, which is the same in the patch 1.12. So the demo actually matched how the game played originally. There were a few other reports, such as “rare mobs do way less damage” and “Kobolds at Jangolode Mine run faster than walking speed when running away” where we were able to confirm that the gameplay was the same in the demo as in the original patch 1.12.

It’s important to point out that there are some bugs we’re going to fix before launch, and there are some bugs that we don’t intend to address. Nonetheless, we’ve fixed some fairly high-priority issues:

Critical Strike rating: Each item now “Improves your chance to get a critical strike by X%.”

Rogue Energy didn’t work right: it was both benefiting from melee haste and re-calculating more often than it was supposed to. Both issues were fixed.

Slow Fall no longer applies to your jumps.

You again get pushback when hit by ranged attacks and wands.

Dodge, Parry and Miss were all not happening often enough.

That’s not all we’ve done, but we want to give you an idea of what we’re prioritizing: core game systems, combat and content.

We’ve spent time on other things, such as user interface and making sure graphics “feel” like they used to, but our primary focus is on gameplay.

Thank you, and get ready for a Classic Summer!”


According to Community Manager Kaivax, the development team got "so much" feedback to work with, including lists that were created by community members to detail issues within the game.

Blizzard received plenty odd bug reports during the Classic Demo. The Classic development team has been hard at work to fix bugs reported by the community. They double-checked: broken Warlock demon summoning, but in wow patch 1.12, once you start summoning a new demon, the old one would immediately disappear, so the reported "bug" was actually working as intended.

Actually wow classic is aware of the bugs that players had reported during the game's demo. The team has been able to identify and fix various reported issues, including incorrect health regeneration and the spell critical hit multiplier. Moreover, Rogue Energy issue has been fixed and Critical Strike Rating has also undergone changes. But some bugs won't get fixed, since they were also present in the original game - Patch 1.12 version that Classic is based off of.


Lastly, for more information about the WoW Classic will be released soon. Of course, we will keep you updated news regarding Blizzard’s Vanilla server option for wow classic.

WoW Classic will be out in Summer 2019. Are you looking forward to playing the game?

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