
Antorus, the Burning Throne - the Final Raid in WoW: Legion Is Now Live

بواسطة Shirley Huang
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World of Warcraft's next expansion - Battle for Azeroth was announced at Blizzcon this year, but Blizzard isn't done with Legion. Now the final raid for this expansion opens: Antorus, the Burning Throne, is the last chapter in the war against the Burning Legion as players fight against the living embodiment of the planet Argus.

Just like as all raids, Antorus, the Burning Throne opens in phases. Now the Normal and Heroic difficulty version of the raid is available to players. Today MmoGah as one of the best wow sellers would like to share the updated news with wow fans.


Location: Argus
Difficulties: Raid Finder, Normal, Heroic, Mythic
Level: 110
Bosses: 11

Raid Unlock Schedule:

November 28 — Normal and Heroic difficulties open.
December 5 — Mythic difficulty and Raid Finder Wing 1: Light’s Breach.
December 19 — Raid Finder Wing 2: Forbidden Descent.
January 2 — Raid Finder Wing 3: Hope’s End.
January 16 — Raid Finder Wing 4: Seat of the Pantheon.


Normal and Heroic difficulties are now available!

The Burning Throne lies Antorus at the core of Argus. From this power’s seat, Sargeras drives his Burning Crusade to ravage the cosmos.

Within the Throne’s nigh-impenetrable depths, primordial powers are being forged into weapons of utter annihilation. If these voices rise to serve their master, the final hour will fall upon all of creation.

It’s the time for the forces of the Alliance and Horde to confront the Burning Legion within Sargeras’ power’s seat. Antorus, the Burning Throne, along with the formidable dangers.


Bosses and Strategy Guides

Antorus, the Burning Throne is partially non-linear. There are 11 bosses in the Antorus Raid.


First, you must kill Garothi Worldbreaker, and then you can choose any of them:

Felhounds of Sargeras

Antoran High Command

Portal Keeper Hasabel


Once all those bosses have been defeated, you must defeat Imonar the Soulhunter, followed by Kin'garoth in order, and then you have another choice:


Coven of Shivarra

Finally, you defeat Aggramar and Argus.

This won't be the final patch of Legion, but patch 7.3.2 does set the stage for the transition into the events of Battle for Azeroth. Without spoiling too much, the final fight against Argus has consequences in a certain zone back on Azeroth.


Wow: Legion PvP Season 6 has begun!

Legion PvP season 6 is here, and the Arenas and Battlegrounds are ready to host all contenders.

Faction-based Rewards

Don’t forget that end-of-season rewards are based on your faction. If you transfer your character to the other faction, you must have 50 wins after your transfer, and receive the reward before the end-of-season. Please note that you must have 150 wins for Gladiator and Dominant Gladiator titles.


Shake Up the Battlegrounds with PvP Brawls: Arathi Blizzard Nov. 28–Dec. 5

A new PvP Brawl will be available for players every other week. Each Brawl will offer a variety of modes, rules and scenic changes to the usual Battleground gameplay, and you’ll find them in the Group Finder tool (hotkey “I”) in the PvP tab.


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