
Join Guild in World of Warcraft

بواسطة Leo Jiang
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World of Warcraft is categorized as a MASSIVELY Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) or massively multiplayer online role-playing game. So it only makes sense that you should aim to connect with massive numbers of other players when you're playing. This means that there are literally thousands of players from around the globe roaming inside the game world.


Joining a guild is also really easy. When players with common agenda come together, they form an alliance, or what is called a guild. Joining a guild is pretty fun and adds to the overall experience of playing World of Warcraft by letting you interact and make friends with other online players.


While it's true that you can successfully fumble about in the relatively unpopulated leveling zones on your own, you'll enjoy a richer, more complete game experience if you play with other players, as intended. At some point, even social butterflies who meet other players at the drop of emotion should consider teaming up with other players in a more structured way by joining a guild.


Go to populated places. Go into towns or any places where there could be a lot players hanging out. Guilds who are looking for members often hang around these areas, like iron forge and Storm wind City. You can either teleport back to the nearest town or use a mage portal if there’s one near your location.


Guilds are teams of players who share similar goals or play styles. A guild that fits your needs will sweep your enjoyment to a whole new level. It's like gaining a pool of automatic friends. Your guild mates are the folks who can group with you, craft items for you, lend directions and advice to you, loan you a few gold when things are tight, and keep you company in guild chat or Vent as you quest your way through the levels. 


Identify if a player belongs to a guild. If a player belongs to a guild, the guild name will be displayed below the character’s name enclosed within a greater than and less than symbol () so it’s easy for other players to identify if they already belong to another guild. You can also write /who in the chat and this will show the level, class, race and guild (if he belongs to one)


Wait for an invitation. When other players notice that you don’t have a guild, they will eventually approach you. They will either send you a message either on the Global Message Box or through a private message, both located at the lower-left corner of the screen.


Some guild members will just automatically send you a Guild Invite. Relatively, you can proactively talk to players with guilds via the Global Message Box and ask them to send you an invite. If they agree, they’ll send you one.


Be wary of newbie guilds. It's not the end of the world to join the guild of the guy who spammed you with a random guild invite in Storm wind or the group of rag-tag beginners that somehow fell together in The Barrens. You may meet folks who'll remain fast friends for years to come. In general, though, you'll get a more lasting (and organized) experience if you look for a more established group.


Keep in mind that not all guild members can send invites. Only members with invite privileges assigned by the guild leader can send invites. So if players tell you that they can’t invite you to their guild, they probably don’t have the privilege to do so.


Accept the invite. An Invite prompt will show up on your screen once you receive an invitation. The prompt will include the guild’s name and its guild level. If you wish to accept the invite, click on “Join Guild”; otherwise, click on “Decline Invitation” to reject it.


Participate in your group. Joining a guild is just like joining any other groups. You need active participation to keep the guild alive. Join item and boss hunts whenever you can, and be friendly with your guild mates. When you’re active enough, the guild leader will eventually promote you to higher ranks, such as a Guild Officer.


Get social. The single most effective way to find a good guild fit on your own server is to meet people. Interact with other players. Group up for quests, ply your trade and make purchases from other tradesfolk of similar levels, run level-appropriate instances or help someone who's struggling with adding as you pass by. 


Be polite; the best way to pull out is to speak with the GM (Guild Master, or Guild Leader) or an officer first. Be brief but honest ("I've decided to move to another guild where I'll be playing with a good friend. Take care and thanks for having me!"). You can send an in-game note or private message on the guild forums if you're uncomfortable saying something in person.

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