
Patch 7.2 Order Hall Champion in World of Warcraft

بواسطة Leo Jiang
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There are a lot of regards to compose, and there's no best single setup in World of Warcraft. Largely mission counters are randomized, if your certain favorite Champions or Combat Allies exceed others, your lineup will be changed obviously. The biggest optimization is that you can counter as many threats as possible. That said, this is merely logic regarding optimal combinations. If you want to know more World of Warcraft news, you can visit MmoGah.com.

Order Hall

After reaching level 26 from Broken Shore quest chain, artifact research will open up to a maximum level 50. New champions are available and an additional champion slot has been opened up to accommodate it. Champion item level has been increased from 850 to 900. You can acquire your class mounts at the end of campaign, similar to Suramar campaign and Arcanist’s Manasaber mount reward.


Order Hall Mage Champion:

Kalecgos. Arcane + CS, it is very strong counter double bonus.

Vargoth. Arcane + Blizzard, +15% with T2 troop, a bonus is used very often.

Ravandwyr. We need a fire after two Arcanes. He also gives us blinks we need. His 15% against minions will be used often. Now it is a frost mage. The Great Akazamzarak is a nice frosty, his hat is like meatball ability and will give tons of bonus.


Now we have enough counterspells and arcane skills. So we can either add another frost or fire champion. Both frost are decent. Modera has blink and a bonus % with T1 troops which will barely be used. Merry has blizzard and a useless bonus.


This is Moroes slot, but as a rare champion you probably do not have. So let's get a 2nd fire mage here. We have enough counterspell so Esara is a no. Milhouse works here if you don't mind x2 mission time, also he gives blizzard so you can go with Modera in the 5th slot. Aethas gives a lot of % but doesn’t counter anything other than fire. Meatball is the last and the best ton of % and it works well in every team, as long as you can counter no bonus threat which will prevent 200%.


Follower Equipment:

In general, if you want to have +20% with Tier 2 troops, you should have +15% to all (Auspicious Fetish), and then either +10% to all (Lucky Doodad) or +15% with Tier 2 on everybody. It's only 5% for less using a Doodad and you don't send a T2 troop during the odd times (using AoW or Grimtotems and such).


Best Champion lineups

There are many viable setups, largely depend on who you want to use as a combat ally, and which Champions you may have already leveled/geared up to this point.




Special Abilities



+15% vs Hazards

2 Protection


+15% dual troop types

2 Fury


+15% over 8 hours

2 Arms


+15% vs Minions

2 Pummel


+15% when solo

2 Whirlwind



2 Leap

Crowley (ally)

+5% per troop vitality

Fury/Leap backup


Strength: Well-balanced specs/counters.

Weaknesses: Crowley is a much less useful in combat ally now. It has slightly weaker special abilities (Thorim/Ymiron).

Optional allies: Thorim or Hodir can be used as optional combat allies if desired, just swap them when a mission comes up.




Special Abilities



+15% vs Hazards

2 Protection


+15% dual troop types

2 Fury


+15% over 8 hours

2 Arms


+20% with 1 health troop

2 Pummel


+5% per troop vitality

2 Whirlwind


+15% when solo

2 Leap

Hodir (ally)

+15% vs Minions

Fury/Whirlwind backup


Strength: Well-balanced specs/counters, Hodir is great for world PvP.

Weakness: A lot of "solo champion" specials, Hodir is very good for missions.

Optional allies: Dvalen/Thorim.




Special Abilities



+15% vs Hazards

2 Protection


+15% dual troop types

2 Fury


+15% over 8 hours

2 Arms


+15% vs Minions

2 Pummel


+5% per troop vitality

3 Whirlwind



1 Leap

Thorim (ally)

+15% when solo

Arms/Leap backup


Strengths: Stronger special abilities, Thorim's buff is good for less geared players and in PvP, "KROLMIR!"

Weaknesses: Only one is dedicated in Heroic Leap counter, Thorim can be used for missions when it is not actively used.

Optional allies: Hodir.




Special Abilities



+15% vs Hazards

2 Protection


+15% dual troop types

2 Fury


+15% over 8 hours

2 Arms


+15% vs Minions

2 Pummel


+15% when solo

2 Whirlwind



2 Leap

Dvalen (ally)

+20% with 1 health troop

Fury/Pummel backup


Strength: Well-balanced specs/counters.

Weakness: Weaker special abilities Dvalen.

Optional allies: Thorim/Hodir.


Class Champion Recommendations:

You can go through which champions are chosen. In short, the best traits are 15% with T2 troops, and 5% per HP (usually 10-15% for any mission), and there are a few with 15% which are snap-picks. Anything that doesn't contribute to mission success is bad, ranging from mild-use to complete uselessness.



Hilaire, Blake, Addie, Syrenne, Hemet, Halduron.

Very solid and easy to pick, as Rexxar is really bad and Loren is slightly less.



Mylune, Remulos, Brightwing, Sylendra, Hamuul, Thisalee.

Not great but there's only 2 Restos you have to take them.

Notes: Naralex is a great Combat Ally on PvP servers.

Ancient of War is ok – you can create one and then switch to free Bonus Roll as you can keep AoW up forever with Sylendra's hearts.



Calla, Mariella, Natalie, Zabra, Sol, Ishanah.

Shadow Heresy tempts to go with all 3 Shadows, but still to keep them even better. Could use Aelthalyste as a combat ally instead of Meatball to take advantage of it.



Two options, depending on how much you hate Magatha.

Avalanchon, Scaldius, Celestos, Muln, Hydraxis, Magatha. Pros: all 4 Elemental Lieutenants. Cons: Magatha.


Myrla, Avalanchon, Celestos, Muln, Nobundo, Hydraxis.


Notes: Rehgar is really a good Combat Ally even with flying – indoors areas and instant-cast ground for short trips make zoom-zoom-wolf-mode good. Magatha's item is a 2HP troop that gives 40% success. Scaldius and Magatha vs Myrla and Nobundo, none of which are great.



Where will you begin? Warriors have THREE champions with completely useless abilities, as well as a less-good T2 troop upgrade. There are two approaches here, but both of them break one of the fundamental rules and I'm not sure which is better.


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