
World of Warcraft Patch 6.2 PTR Weapon Collection Guide 1

بواسطة John Ryan
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As the latest update from World of Warcraft official, there’re large numbers of weapons have been updated and brought to 6.2 PTR. In this guide, we’ll give a preview of all these gorgeous weapons and players will also see the 3D Models looking of them.


Hellfire Citadel Weapons

Hellfire Citadel weapons have alternative models from Gladiator weapons. They're totally different from Conquest armor and Tier 18 which are similar to each other. Most of them are based on the theme of demonic, however there are some Arakkoa weapons due to bosses such as Shaow-Lord Iskar as well. There are different colors among Normal weapons, Heroic weapons and Mythic ones.


Item Level of weapons of each mode:

l Normal: ilvl 695

l Heroic: ilvl 710

l Mythic: ilvl 725


Hellfire Citadel Weapons Alternative Looking and which class specializations they belong to:

1.      Runeaxe of the Breaker:

l One-Hand, 777-1444 Damage

l 427.23 damage per second

l     Sell Price: 68 wow gold, 44 silver, 32 copper

l Class Specializations: Rogue (Combat); Monk (Brewmaster, Windwalker); Shaman (Enhancement)


2.      Hellrender:

l Two-Hand, 1583-2375 Damage

l 549.81 damage per second

l Sell Price: 77 gold, 96 silver, 54 copper

l Class Specializations: Death Knight (Blood, Frost, Unholy); Druid (Balance, Feral, Guardian, Restoration); Hunter (Beast Mastery, Marksmanship, Survival); Mage (Arcane, Fire, Frost); Monk (Brewmaster, Windwalker, Mistweaver); Paladin (Holy, Protection, Retribution); Priest (Discipline, Holy, Shadow); Rogue (Combat, Assassination, Subtlety); Shaman (Elemental, Enhancement, Restoration); Warlock (Affliction, Demonology, Destruction); Warrior (Arms, Fury, Protection)


3.      Voracious Souleater:

l One-Hand, 777-1444 Damage

l 427.23 damage per second

l Sell Price: 68 gold, 68 silver, 55 copper

l Class Specializations: Rogue (Combat); Monk (Brewmaster, Windwalker); Shaman (Enhancement)


Runeaxe of the Breaker


Voracious Souleater


Revamped Burning Crusade Weapons

Speaking of Burning Crusade weapons, lots of Hellfire Citadel weapons are reminiscent of them. Let’s see the basic information and images of them below.

1.      Apostle of Argus:

l Two-Hand, 57-86 Damage

l 22.42 damage per second

l Sell Price: 18 gold, 60 silver, 39 copper


2.      Edict of Argus:

l Two-Hand, 733-1100 Damage

l 316.07 damage per second

l Sell Price: 80 gold, 22 silver, 25 copper

3.      Cataclysm’s Edge:

l Two-Hand, 125-189 Damage

l 44.97 damage per second

l Sell Price: 19 gold, 57 silver, 38 copper


4.      Calamity’s Edge:

l Two-Hand, 1820-2731 Damage

l 632.13 damage per second

l Sell Price: 84 gold, 58 silver, 64 copper

5.      Aldori Legacy Defender:

l Off Hand, 175 Armor

l Sell Price: 8 gold, 11 silver, 74 copper


6.      Fallen Defender of Argus:

l Off Hand, 791 Armor

l Sell Price: 43 gold, 34 silver, 26 copper


There are still Conquest Weapons and Honor/LFR Weapons in Patch 6.2 PTR, we’ll introduce them in next weapon guide. And if you would like to know more information of 6.2 PTR, you also can view our previous article “WoW Patch 6.2 Highlights”.


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