
World of Warcraft Weekly Bonus Event: Battlegrounds

بواسطة Cathy Deng
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Steel yourself for World of Warcraft Battleground combat!


Here MmoGah (a professional WoW Gold and WoW Power Leveling site) would like to share more details about the weekly bonus event: Battlegrounds.



All this week, heading to the Battlegrounds will net you some extra Honor along with bonus loot for completing this week’s quest. To enter the fray, open Group Finder (hotkey: "I") and then select the Player vs. Player tab. Next choose Casual, select Random Battlegrounds, and hit the Join Battle button—you will be matched up with other players and sent to one of these 11 battlegrounds:


  • Alterac Valley
  • Arathi Basin
  • Battle for Gilneas
  • Deepwind Gorge
  • Eye of the Storm
  • Isle of Conquest
  • Silvershard Mines
  • Strand of the Ancients
  • Temple of Kotmogu
  • Twin Peaks
  • Warsong Gulch



Before you get started, Archmage Timear near Violet Hold in Dalaran has a quest for you. You can also pick up the quest from within the Adventure Guide. Win four random Battlegrounds, and you will be rewarded with 5 Marks of Honor, a Badge of Honor (1000 Honor), and a Glory of the Melee Artifact Power token (base 500 AP).



This week you gain 50% more Honor in Battlegrounds.



The Bonus Events system consists of a rotating schedule of different activities, currently scheduled to run each week beginning on Tuesdays. Each Bonus Event grants a passive bonus to a particular game activity and offers a once-per-event quest with a noteworthy reward for accomplishing a related goal. The in-game calendar can serve as your one-stop reference for the event schedule. The Adventure Guide also offers a direct link to active Bonus Events, allowing you to easily accept any associated quests.


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