
WoW Dragonflight Leveling Guide: How to Get To Lvl 70 Quickly

بواسطة Danikhan
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With the arrival of the Dragonflight expansion, the level cap of World of Warcraft has been raised from 60 to 70. Naturally, many players have hopped into the game and want to reach level 70 as fast as possible. If you also want to reach level 70 in World of Warcraft Dragonflight, you are at the right place. Here is our complete guide on how to level up fast in World of Warcraft Dragonflight.




Get The War Mode XP Boost

You can gain XP by killing mobs and completing quests. While almost everyone knows that, wouldn't it be better if you could get some extra XP gain for doing the same task? Well, there actually is a way you can get around ten to fifteen percent extra XP gain by doing everything you would normally do to gain XP in WoW.


If you want to level up fast in WoW Dragonflight, one of the first things you should do is turn on the War Mode. To do that, hop into a game of WoW and press the "N" key on your keyboard. Doing that will open up the Specializations and Talents panel on your screen. Once at the Specializations and Talents panel, you will be able to see the War Mode option in the bottom right section. To turn on War Mode, simply click on the War Mode option. Turing on War Mode will get you a 10% to 15% XP gain.


Stick To The Main Quests

There are two main types of quests in WoW. The first type includes all the main quests that are part of the main story. The second types are the optional quests that don't necessarily have to do anything with the story of the game.


There is an easy way to distinguish between the main story quests and the optional quests. On both types of quests, you will see a yellow exclamation mark on top. However, there will be a brown border around the exclamation mark for the main story quests. There won't be a brown border around the exclamation marks for the optional quests.


We recommend that you skip all the optional quests and focus only on the main quests if you wish to reach level 70 as fast as possible in WoW Dragonflight. The thing is, the optional quests will only break your tempo and slow you down in the process of leveling up. It is better to skip them and maintain a flow of completing the main quests. The main quests are far better for XP gain and leveling than the optional quests.


With that said, the main quests won't get you to level 70 alone. You might be able to get just over level 67. However, if you manage to pick up some rested XP, you may get way above 67. But if you need to get some more XP after completing all the main quests, you can do the optional quests. Once you are done with the main quests, you will have a ton of options to choose from.



To quickly level up and reach level 70 in World of Warcraft Dragonflight, you can start by turning on the War Mode and sticking to the main quests. However, if you don't want to do all of that, you can come to MmoGah to get a WoW boosting service. With our service, you'll reach level 70 in Dragonflight while relaxing. 


Speed Is The Name Of The Game

When you are trying to gain XP as quickly as possible, you will benefit a lot if you can make your in-game character move a bit faster. It only makes sense that if you can cover distances, kill mobs, and complete quests faster, you will level up faster. To help you do that, here is a list of some of the items you can use.


Fried Bonefish: One of the most beneficial items you can use to get some speed in WoW is the Fried Bonefish. Consume the Fried Bonefish, and you will get a 282-speed rating boost. You will get this boost only after killing a monster that gives XP. The boost is around 20% for players at level 60.


Guild Cloak: Another useful item on WoW Dragonflight for speed is the Guild Cloak. It will allow you to quickly teleport back to your capital city, which you might need to do to get some supplies. However, the Guild Cloak only applies to you if you are in a guild. You'll get a Guild Cloak from your guild vendor, which is located either in Orgrimmar or Stormwind.


Guild Banner: Since you'll be getting the Guild Cloak, you should also get the Guild Banner. It doesn't have to do anything with the speed of your in-game character, but it will help you get more XP while killing monsters.


Gunshoes: The Gunshoes will set your feet literally on fire in WoW. This item will allow your in-game character to hurtle at a 200% movement speed for 25 seconds, which can be incredibly useful for covering large distances.


Sacrifice Story For Speed

If you want to get XP fast in WoW and want to reach level 70 as quickly as possible, you will have to sacrifice the main story. The story of WoW is revealed to the player through quest text and cut scenes. The problem is that these things waste a ton of time.


Fortunately, players can skip both the quest text and the cut scenes. If you want to reach level 70 fast in Dragonflight, we recommend you skip the quest text and the cut scenes. However, if you don't want to miss out on the story, you can skip the text and watch the cut scenes.

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