
Aion Classic EU: Top 5 Ways to Get Kinah

Von Nancy G
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Aion Classic brings you back to historic Atreia, beautiful but ravaged by the endless war between Light and Dark. Classic's launch welcomed you back to the world.


With the launch of Aion Classic EU on April 12, 2023, MmoGah also added this region with 4 servers. Today I will share Kann Kasta's top 5 ways to get Aion Classic Kinah on EU with you. I have tested many things and decided to make a ranking list for the best kinah sources for Aion Classic EU. Now let's start.



5. Gathering/Crafting

Since these servers are brand new, the supply of potions and scrolls is low. Therefore, gathering the needed stuff can be sold for a fair and constant price.


For example, this diamond I am gathering is worth around 3k kinah. You make 3 diamonds in one pull if you get a blue one.


Aion classic diamond


Diamond is needed for running scrolls, Sapphire for flight scrolls & cast scrolls, and Ruby is needed for atk speed scrolls. Also, Ferilla/Subella & Grobule/Griffonia are also worth gathering since you can craft potions with them.


You can also collect aether and convert them into those materials using your DP. The morph scrolls of these can be found in some of the sieges of the abyss. But being able to collect these requires hours of gathering junk. So that's why I put it on Top 5.



4. Farming OW Monsters

Farming OW monsters can drop you white/green/blue/gold armor/accs/weapons, which can be sold to the merchant for a high kinah amount. The daily kinah cap is 1 Million kinah per account and resets at 0:00 server time.


Try to finish your quests with these along the way to earn more kinah. Also, don't use many consumables actually to make a profit out of them. Aoe farming saves a lot of time if your class can handle it.


aion classic Farming OW Monsters


3. Farming Instances

Instances have a higher drop rate for drops, stigmas, and a blank kinah in general. Farming them in small groups (or even solo) will grant you more stuff.


Drapunir and fort instances also drop balaurscales needed to enter Dark Poeta. It can be sold to the broker for a very high amount (about 40-50k kinah). They cut a lot of mobs in Drapunir Cave, but this is what we got out of 1 run.


Alquima Lab has a high drop chance of stigmas. If you drop wanted stigmas here, you can sell them for a high amount of kinah. Be aware that this is a hard instance, and mobs can add up here pretty quickly. With every death, you lose around 100000 kinah. So only farm here if you are sure what you are doing.


Also, go dregdion every day. Tell everyone to loot everything because this is the place with the barest kinah monster will drop. As you can see, monsters can have up to 16 kinah in them. I primarily run this for kinah and not for ap because this is just a goldmine in my eyes.


aion classic Farming Instances


Also, running road and asteria is worth kinah because every chest has around 300k kinah in them. Also, to them daily.



2. Raids

Go on every raid you can and spam your Aoes for maximum contribution points. The higher your contribution points, the more rewards you will get.


Gold and silver medals (which can be traded) and kinah will be your reward. Kinah will be handed out even days after the raid is over.


aion classic Raids


1. Named Monsters

Named Monsters are found on every map. These guys drop a lot of stuff. These guys have a high respawn rate of 8-10 hours. You can switch through channels to catch them too.


A full server means these guys are quite rare. But if you find one and remember their timers, you can make a fortune out of them.




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