WoW 11.1 Ranged DPS Tier List – Best Specs for Raids & Mythic+

By Penny Thu Feb 20 2025 02:28:37 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

With WoW Patch 11.1 on the horizon, it's time to take a deep dive into the ranged DPS meta and determine which specs are the strongest choices for raiding and Mythic+. Balance changes, tier set bonuses, and talent updates have shaken up the rankings, making some specs rise in power while others struggle to keep up.

In this tier list, we'll break down each ranged DPS specialization, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses. The insights here come from Vesp's latest YouTube video. Whether you're looking for the most dominant spec or simply wondering if your current main will stay competitive, this guide will help you make an informed decision. Meanwhile, if you want to stock some gold for Undermine(d), MmoGah can be a good option by providing you with reliable in-game assets.


Ranking Criteria

Destruction Warlock (A+ Tier)

Destruction Warlock is currently in an excellent position, boasting some of the best AoE damage in the game. This is especially true when its two-minute cooldowns are available, but it has also improved significantly in terms of consistent damage output outside of cooldown windows.

Key Strengths:

Destruction Warlock earns a solid A+ Tier ranking. While not 100% guaranteed to be meta, it has an extremely high chance of being a top-tier choice for Mythic+ and raids.

Demonology Warlock (A Tier)

Demonology Warlock is somewhat underrated. Demo has great damage in all scenarios—strong single-target, good cleave (thanks to the tier set, especially with the Dreadbites ability from your Dreadstalkers), and very respectable AoE damage once ramped up.

However, most of these damage profiles are slightly behind Destruction Warlock in every sense. The main advantage Demo has over Destro is its more consistent damage output. With a one-minute cooldown and a tier set that enhances its sustained damage, Demo maintains a steady damage profile, which works in its favor.

Additionally, Demo Warlocks are very tanky, like all Warlocks in general, providing Healthstones and combat resurrection to the group. This makes it a very solid pick if you want to play Demo in the next season. So, it is put in the A tier.

Affliction Warlock (B Tier)

Next up, we have Affliction Warlock. This spec actually performs quite well. It does very decent damage, especially in mass AoE.

However, why would you play Affliction when the other two Warlock specs exist? It has the same tankiness and utility as the others but lacks the raw power of Destro or the consistency of Demo. So, Affliction Warlock is put in B tier.

Beast Mastery Hunter (A+ Tier)

Beast Mastery (BM) Hunter is in a very strong position right now. It competes with Destruction Warlock for some of the highest AoE damage in the game—and might even surpass Destro in overall AoE DPS.



Despite recent nerfs, BM is still a top-tier spec, and it is worth an A+ tier, even ahead of Destruction Warlock.

Marksmanship Hunter (B Tier)

Marksmanship Hunter (MM) is good due to its reworks. While it has strong bursts in both AoE and single-target, its damage quickly falls off in higher keys.



BM is just better – In almost every scenario, BM outperforms MM in both damage and survivability. Because of this, Marksmanship Hunter is in the B tier.

Balance Druid (A Tier)



Survivability is an issue – Balance Druid is not as tanky as it used to be.

Due to these weaknesses, Boomie falls just short of A+. So, it is at the top of the A-tier.

Shadow Priest (A Tier)

Shadow Priest, in general, has great priority damage—that's just how the spec functions. You put your DoTs on all mobs and funnel all your damage into a priority target, repeating the process. This gives it a strong damage profile for Mythic+ because you can ensure that priority mobs die at the same time as everything else, or even quicker, to reduce unavoidable AoE damage.

It also has respectable single-target damage, but all of this—especially in AoE situations—relies on mobs living long enough. This tier list focuses on higher keys, not the absolute top, but still high enough that mobs live long enough for Shadow to ramp up and deal damage. From Vesp's testing on Archon, it seems to be performing well.

Vesp placed Shadow Priest in A-tier. It brings Power Infusion, which pairs well with any meta candidate, significantly boosting damage. It also provides Power Word: Fortitude, an invaluable buff—especially if Discipline Priest isn't meta (which it could be).

Shadow Priest is now the only DPS spec in the game with off-healing, which is massive for a group. In high-damage situations, it can cover unavoidable AoE damage, allowing the healer to focus less on burst healing. That's a unique strength that no other spec has.

Defensively, Shadow Priest is quite tanky with:

All in all, Shadow is placed just behind Balance Druid in the A-tier. If it weren't for its utility, it might be at the top of B-tier instead.

Frost Mage (A+ Tier)

Frost Mage has very strong overall damage, but more specifically, insane priority and single-target damage. Even while keeping up with other specs in overall damage, Frost Mage excels at priority damage—an ideal damage profile for Mythic+ since it deletes dangerous mobs while still contributing solid AoE. Boss damage is also strong.

Unfortunately, Blizzard keeps getting nerfed. But even after nerfs, AoE damage is still solid, just slightly weaker.

Survivability & Utility

Frost Mage is extremely tanky, with:

Frost Mage is placed in the A+ tier—just below Fire Mage for now, but still an excellent spec.

Fire Mage (S Tier)

Fire Mage is insanely strong right now, potentially S-tier. The key factor? Ridiculous Combustion uptime. You can have Combustion for every single pack, sometimes even multiple times per pack, which is absurd.

Both Flamestrike and Ignite builds are strong. If Ignite build is anywhere close to Flamestrike in output, it will always be the preferred choice, as it allows priority damage while passively burning everything else down.

Survivability & Utility

It deserves an S-tier. But Frost Mage is not far behind. They are both very good specs.

Arcane Mage (B Tier)

Arcane Mage has seen many changes in Season 2, and players are still experimenting with builds. Some are trying High Voltage, Arcane Harmony, Magi's Spark, and Barrage, creating a "casino build" with solid AoE.

However, Arcane is not on par with Fire or Frost. It still has great priority damage and strong single-target bursts. But it falls behind in mass AoE. Its damage output simply doesn't compete with the other Mage specs.

Additionally, the change from Aethervision to Intuition feels terrible—there are fewer barrage casts and more RNG dependence.

Survivability & Utility

So, Arcane is at the top of the B-tier.

Elemental Shaman (A Tier)

Elemental Shamans are rarely ranked right now, but they have great overall damage and strong priority damage and are super bursty. However, its AoE is target-capped due to Chain Lightning, which limits its potential in larger pulls.

After Enhancement Shaman Nerfs, the gap between the specs is closer, but Enhance still seems stronger.

For Utility, Elemental brings:

Its ranking is at the top of the A-tier, maybe just behind Balance Druid.

Devastation Evoker (B Tier)

Devastation is always overshadowed by Augmentation, but it received small buffs recently. It can adapt hero talents based on dungeons:

Utility & Defensives

Its ranking is in the middle of the B-tier, ahead of MM Hunter.

Augmentation Evoker (S Tier)

No matter how much Augmentation gets nerfed, it remains mandatory at high levels. It still does insane personal damage, which is rare for a support spec.

Even after losing tank and healer buffs, it still provides:

Its ranking is S-tier. Augmentation is the best DPS spec in the game.

To Sum Up

S-tier: Augmentation Evoker, Fire Mage

A+ tier: Frost Mage, Beast Mastery (BM) Hunter, Destruction Warlock

A-tier: Shadow Priest, Balance Druid, Elemental Shaman, Demonology Warlock

B-tier: Arcane Mage, Affliction Warlock, Devastation Evoker, MM Hunter

Even B-tier is still strong—Season 2 looks well-balanced overall.