
Fresh Level 50 Equipment guide for ArcheAge Game

By John Ryan
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----Great leveling experience from an archeage gold customer

This guide is going to be created for people over the level of 46 and want to prepare for level 50. Please note that not much compares to level 50 craft-able gear. You can obtain better gear from the Auction House for a lot of archeage gold, I will recommend this trustworthy archeage gold website to you because I have been buying archeage gold from this site for a long time, they are honest and friendly, and they have great and affordable prices so you can PWN people in pvp :D

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1.The first thing you want to do is head over to Hasla, which is in the very southeast of the eastern continent. Once you’ve got there you need to head to Galegarden and speak to Soyo here:

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2.Once you’ve received your quest from Soyo also go accept the quest from Overseer Hichee who is in the same town as Soyo.

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3.Now you should have quest "Good for the heart" "Fertilizer Formula" ,complete these quests and hand them in for your Bow/Lute/Sheild and upper chest armor set. It is possible to underachieve these quest if 50 already.

4.Next you want to head to Cursed Village which is slightly northwest of Galegarden, once your there talk to Hujang & Maru you need to finish these quests in order to unlock your next item quest.

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5.Once you have completed the quests from Hujang & Maru, "Chaser Gonaro" quest will be unlocked to get your Nodachi/Sword/Staff, kill 12 kosen heirs thugs and retrieve your reward.

6.Next step is to get to the western continent “Karkasse Ridgeland" if you haven’t been there before, ask a friend who has to open a teleport for you. Other ways include: Swimming/Sailing/Flying/main teleports.

7.Head to Iona in the western part of Karkasse Ridgeland and speak to Yore & Geoff to unlock the next item quest.

8.Once you have completed their quests you will unlock the quest from "Jeyon" for your lower chest armor.


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9.Once you’ve received you’re lower chest armor you need to head to "Dragonroar Fortress" and speak to "Minotaur Ushram."

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10. Once you’ve finished his quest you need to go slightly up the hill east to meet "Elder Minotaur Rothram" who will give you the quest for your helmet. Complete his quest and you have successfully leveled up for level 50.

This guide is for the basic armor for level 50. armor that is craft-able or from dungeons will be better.

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