
2016 Final Fantasy XIV Heavensturn the Saru Bugyo Is Coming

Von John Ryan
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With new year 2016 coming, the traditional Final Fantasy XIV seasonal event Heavensturn is coming! At the end of a year, there must be two seasonal events, the Starlight Celebration and Heavensturn. If you haven’t finished the Starlight Celebration, take the last chance to do it now. Or you will miss it. But if have got all items for Starlight Celebration, let’s go to do the new Heavensturn together with Mmogah.

2016 Final Fantasy XIV Heavensturn the Saru Bugyo Is Coming

Seasonal Events are special occasions that occur at a particular time of the year. During these festivals, players can complete seasonal quests and obtain unique cosmetic items. Additionally, cities around Eorzea are decorated according to the themes of the events. Heavensturn is one of seasonal events.

Heavensturn is a Chinese and Japanese themed seasonal event. In the cultures of Eastern countries, there are 12 kinds of animals to watch every year rotationally. The 12 animals in turn are 子鼠(mouse), 丑牛(bull), 寅虎(tiger), 卯兔(rabbit), 辰龙(loong), 巳蛇(snake), 午马(horse), 未羊(sheep), 申猴(monkey), 酉鸡(chicken), 戌狗(dog), 亥猪(pig) in Chinese. 2016 is the turn of Monkey. 2016 is the turn of Monkey. In the Heavensturn 2016, the monkey is named Saru Bugyo, a lovely monkey.

Event Schedule

From Thursday, December 31, 2015 at 7:00 a.m. to Thursday, January 14, 2016 at 6:59 a.m. (PST)

Event Items

See No Helm (Head, All Classes, Lv.1). Speak No Helm (Head, All Classes, Lv.1). Hear No Helm (Head, All Classes, Lv.1).

Paissa Doll (Tabletop). Oriental Orange Basket (Tabletop).

2016 Final Fantasy XIV Heavensturn the Saru Bugyo Is Coming

How to Participate

A Far Eastern delegation has come to impart upon Eorzea the good fortune of the monkey. Those who would honor this special bond between man and beast are encouraged to speak with the Saru Bugyo.

* Please note that seasonal quests cannot be completed after the event has concluded.

Monkey about Town

Quest Location: Old Gridania - Saru Bugyo

2016 Final Fantasy XIV Heavensturn the Saru Bugyo Is Coming

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