
Final Fantasy XIV Chocobo Guide for New Players 2023

Von Nightmare
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Chocobos are iconic creatures in the Final Fantasy series, including Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV). They are large birds often used as mounts or companions by players. In FFXIV, Chocobos can be raised and trained to become powerful companions in battles. Here's a guide on Chocobos in FFXIV.


FFXIV Chocobo Mount


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Unlocking Chocobo Mount

To unlock the ability to ride a Chocobo, you must first join a Grand Company. The Grand Companies are organizations within the game that players can join to align with one of three city-states: the Maelstrom (Limsa Lominsa), the Immortal Flames (Ul'dah), and the Twin Adders (Gridania).


Once you have joined a Grand Company, progress through the main story quests until you reach level 20, then visit the Grand Company headquarters and look for the quest called "My Little Chocobo." Complete this quest to unlock the ability to summon and ride your Chocobo mount.


Unlocking Chocobo Mount


Chocobo Stable and Training

After unlocking your Chocobo mount, you can visit a Chocobo Stable to access additional features and training for your Chocobo.


Chocobo Stables can be found in each city-state: Bentbranch Meadows in Central Shroud (Gridania), Costa del Sol in Eastern La Noscea (Limsa Lominsa), and Camp Drybone in Eastern Thanalan (Ul'dah).


At the Chocobo Stable, you can stable your Chocobo, feed it, and undertake training exercises to increase its stats.


Feeding your Chocobo various types of food will enhance specific attributes such as stamina, speed, or endurance. You can purchase different food types from vendors or Market Board.


You can enhance your Chocobo's attributes through training exercises. These exercises require training manuals, which can be purchased from your Grand Company quartermaster or obtained through various other means.


Chocobo Companions

Chocobos can also be trained to fight alongside you as a Chocobo Companion. To unlock the Chocobo Companion feature, you must reach level 30 and complete the "My Feisty Little Chocobo" quest in South Shroud (X: 17.0 Y: 28.2) from the NPC Docette.


Once unlocked, you can summon your Chocobo Companion to fight with you in battle by using Gysahl Greens.


Your Chocobo Companion can be customized with different stances (Defender, Attacker, Healer) and abilities to suit your playstyle.


FFXIV Chocobo Companion


Chocobo Color and Barding

In FFXIV, not only players have Glamour, Chocobos too. You can change the color of your Chocobo's feathers and change their bardings to give your Chocobo a special look.


To change their plumage, you have to place them in their stable first, then feed them with snacks. Select Feed from the Personal Chocobo menu to begin the process of changing their plumage color. After feeding your Chocobo, you must allow them to rest in their stable for the process to work. The color can be restored to its original yellow hue by feeding them a Han lemon.


You can change your Chocobo's barding in Companion Window under Character, and then you will see Actions, Skills, and Appearance. Under the appearance, you can see the current color of your Chocobo, as well as the barding equipped on its head, body, and legs.


Felicitous Chocobo Barding


Most bardings are in three pieces, and you can mix them to wear. Click for more barding information.


Chocobo Racing

In addition to being mounts and companions, Chocobos in FFXIV can also be bred and raced. Breeding and racing Chocobos is part of the Chocobo Racing content, a minigame available at the Gold Saucer.


FFXIV Chocobo Racing


To start Chocobo Racing, you must unlock the Gold Saucer by completing a short quest called "It Could Happen to You" in Ul'dah and gain access to the Gold Saucer. Then you can participate in Chocobo Racing by talking to Race Chocobo Registrar at X:6.1 Y: 4.8.


That's all for the Chocobos in Final Fantasy XIV. Thank you for reading. Have fun with your Chocobo, and enjoy the game.


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