
How to Get the New Level 60 Relic Weapons, the Anima Weapons

Von John Ryan
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After Final Fantasy XIV Patch 3.15 update, what is the hottest weapon? Of course, the answer is the Anima Weapon. Relic Weapon is always the classical weapon that most of players want to get. Just like the relic weapons in ver.2.0, the Anima Weapons are not easy to get. If you have no idea about how to get it, let’s go to do the questline together with Mmogah.

How to Get the New Level 60 Relic Weapons, the Anima Weapons

Anima Weapons are the level 60 Relic Weapons for Heavensward. Released in patch 3.15, players do not need to complete the level 50 Relic Weapon or Zodiac Weapon quest chains to unlock the Anima Weapon quest chain. Players who have obtained the Zodiac Zeta Weapons will have an advantage with the first step of Anima Weapon quest chain. The advantages are not job specific. For example, if you have obtained the WAR Zeta weapon you will have an advantage with the DRK anima weapon.

The starting quest can be picked up in Idylshire. There are 3 quests that need to be completed in order, for each relic. However, you can work on multiple relics at one time. An example is picking up quest 1 on your PLD, whilst working on quest 3 for your WAR. The 3 steps are as following. 

  1. This quest requires the collection of 18 atmas from FATEs in the new Heavensward areas. 3 atmas are required from each area. However, this stage can be skipped by trading in your Zeta relic weapon. You can complete the FATEs on any class, so feel free to use this grind to get some leveling done.

    How to Get the New Level 60 Relic Weapons, the Anima Weapons

  2. This stage requires you to complete 10 dungeons with your new relic. The first 6 dungeons can be un-synced and you only need your relic equipped as you exit. They are Snowcloak, Sastasha (Hard), The Sunken Temple of Qarn (Hard), Keeper of the Lake, Wanderer's Palace (Hard), Amdapor Keep (Hard), Dusk Vigil, Sohm Al, The Aery, The Vault. Mmogah will provide the strategies of these dungeons recently. Pay close attention to FFXIV News at Mmogah, you will get more info.If you have Zeta relic weapons, the nest steps will be easy. But if you don’t have, this step may be the most painful. As all players know, the FATEs are random and the crystals dropped are random too! It must take you quite a long time. Mmogah is ranked No.1 Gaming Industry, if you are tired of collecting crystals, don’t worry, Mmogah could help you. You just need to pay a few of dollars, than we can help you to collect the crystals. The new FFXIV Power Leveling, FFXIV the Anima Weapons Quests Power Leveling service is hot at Mmogah, we have helped a lot of players to get enough crystals.

  3. This is the long grind stage. You are required to collect 4 items for Gerolt. Each of these items themselves require other items to be traded in and are traded by speaking to Cristina in Revenant's Toll. Both tokens are required. It requires players to take some time to finish the last step.

The Anima Weapon must be the hardest weapon to get in patch 3.15. But as loyal FFXIV fans including Mmogah, we have to make them. They are not only weapons, but also faith to us. Yes, it is a long long process. As your friend, Mmogah is glad to help you and share your experience. Furthermore, whenever you need to buy FFXIV Gil (FFXIV Gil kaufen), our Live Chat is 24/7 online.

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