
Top 5 Popular Flying Mounts in Final Fantasy XIV

Von John Ryan
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Flying mount is one of the important items added in Patch 3.0 Heavensward. When it came out, flying mount was widely praised by FFXIV players. Now flying mount is online for almost 6 months, more and more mounts in Ver.2.0 could fly such as Ahriman, Bomb Palanquin, Kirin and so on. Mmogah makes an investigation among players about which flying mount is your favourite. Is your favourite flying mount on this list?

Top 5 Popular Flying Mounts in Final Fantasy XIV

Flying mounts are introduced in Heavensward, revealed at the Fan Festival in London 2014. Flying Mounts allow the players to take to the sky and roam the areas of Heavensward freely. Players can only fly in locations in Heavensward such as Ishgard and Coerthas Western Highlands. While flying, the flying mounts have 200% of the speed of a regular ground mount. While running on ground, the flying mounts will be the same speed as a ground mounts (100%). Here is the list of the top 5 popular flying mounts, and Mmogah will tell you how to get them too.

Company Chocobo

Company Chocobo must be on the list! Almost all players own a company chocobo. It is the easiest mount and the first one for players to get. But it is still the most popular flying mount. Players can purchase from The Immortal Flames, The Order of the Twin Adder or The Maelstrom vendor for 2000 Company Seals after joining the Grand Company.


In Patch 2.0, Kirin is already a popular mount. It is really fantastic. Kirin is a pronunciation of Japanese “きりん”, in Chinese it is called “麒麟(Qi Lin)”. It is sometimes called the "Chinese unicorn" when compared with the Western unicorn. When it can fly, a storm of Kirin rushing is coming.

How to obtain Kirin? Players can receive it after complete A Legend for a Legend sidequest by obtaining Aithon, Xanthos, Gullfaxi, Enbarr, Markab, and Boreas mounts.

Fat Chocobo

Fat Chocobo has a lot of fans as it is really lovely. The best news is that it could fly. It is quite a lot of players’ favourite flying mount. Players can obtain from A Realm Reborn Collector's Edition Bonuses.


It is a new mount added in Patch 3.0 which is popular among players. It is easy to get, players just need to compete Into the Aery Main Scenario Quest.

Witch's Broom (Mount)

It is a seasonal event mount. Players could get it from sweeping the Meadows quest during All Saints' Wake (2015). It is a funny mount. While riding on it, player looks like a witch especially with the suit of witch.

Of course, there are more good flying mounts in game. More and more flying mounts will be added as well. Mmogah will pay close attention to the official and share the latest news to all players. If you are a FFXIV fan, just pay attention to our FFXIV News. Furthermore, whenever you need to buy FFXIV Gil or FFXIV Power Leveling, the largest FFXIV Gil seller Mmogah is 24/7 waiting for you. 

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