
Free Mounts You Can Get in Lost Ark

Von Michel Z
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Like in many other MMO games, mounts are used to travel faster in Lost Ark. But most of the fastest mounts are not free. If you have a lot of gold in Lost Ark, you can buy them in the Auction House from players who bought them with Royal Crystals.


However, gold is very scarce in the game, so if you want to get a mount without spending your precious gold, you are in the right place. Remember that all of the mounts have not been officially discovered yet, so below are all the free mounts found in Lost Ark currently.


Base Mount – Dyorika/Loghill/Yudia 

Dyorika (Brown), Loghill (Black), and Yudia (White) are base mounts offered when players arrive in Prideholme, the first city in the game. When you have completed the prologue, you can choose one from the three mounts. 

Free Mounts You Can Get in Lost Ark Base Mount


Mokoboard Mount

This is a gift released with an update on March 24, 2022. To get this mount, open the Product Inventory of the in-game shop and claim the Gratitude Gift. After that, you can choose a Mokoboard mount from the Gratitude Gift Decoration Pack in your inventory.

Free Mounts You Can Get in Lost Ark  Mokoboard mount


This is a mount that you get for watching Lost Ark Twitch. Sign in to Twitch and link your account to your Lost Ark account first. The easiest way to do this is by signing in through the Lost Ark website, where you'll be prompted to link automatically. After that, activate Twitch Drops if you haven't already. If you've done this all before, your accounts will remain linked, and all you need to do is sign into your Twitch account.

Free Mounts You Can Get in Lost Ark Unicorn Mount p2


Once the link is finished and you're signed in, you need to watch two hours of affiliated Twitch streams. These have the Drops Enabled tag on them, and you can find a full list of streamers taking part in the program on Lost Ark's website. The streams run from 5 p.m. EST/10 p.m. GMT until May 9, 2022

Dark Soul Vanguard/Azure Soul Vanguard

These Spirit Tiger mounts are rewards granted for playing Ark Pass. Ark Pass is a new feature introduced to Lost Ark on April 21, 2022. You will get one of these mounts at level 10 in the Free Track of Ark Pass. 

Free Mounts You Can Get in Lost Ark Dark Soul Vanguard and Azure Soul Vanguard


Cloud Steed

Cloud Steed can be obtained by completing The Mane of the Azure Wind, which is located in the Azure Wind Island.

Free Mounts You Can Get in Lost Ark Cloud Steed


Dawn Chamkuri

Dawn Chamkuri has a skill that allows you to sprint for a short time. This adorable mount is a reward from the questline in Rohendel, and an item level of 460 is required to begin the questline. That means you need to finish your Shushire quest first.

Free Mounts You Can Get in Lost Ark Dawn Chamkuri


Once you begin the Rohendel, you will meet with a Wizard named Digne almost halfway on the questline, who will give you the mount when you complete the mission.


Borea Courser

Borea Courser is a reward for achieving 40% in East Luterra. To claim the reward, press N and select the region's tab, then you need to press Claim.

Free Mounts You Can Get in Lost Ark Borea Courser



Apostel is a Hoverboard mount unlocked after you have reached 50% completion of the Arthetine continent. The advantage of having this mount is that it has a boost button, making you go slightly faster up to three seconds. 

Free Mounts You Can Get in Lost Ark Apostel


Gray Stripe Raptor

This cool raptor dinosaur mount has a skill called Run, which allows you to sprint while riding the mount. To get it, you need to reach 30% completion of the North Vern continent. Generally, you will reach this area at about level 50.

Free Mounts You Can Get in Lost Ark Gray Stripe Raptor


Frost Wolf

After you complete the entire North Vern continent questline, you will be traveling to Shushire, and once you finish the questline in Shushire, you will be rewarded with the Frost Wolf. The Frost Wolf doesn't run faster than a horse, but it is a better-looking mount.

Free Mounts You Can Get in Lost Ark Frost Wolf


Shadow Wolf

Shadow Wolf is the black version of the Frost Wolf. You can obtain it by increasing the level of Rapport with Poppy, who is located in Icewing Heights, Shushire, and he is currently the only NPC who rewards a mount for reaching a high level of Rapport with him.

Free Mounts You Can Get in Lost Ark Shadow Wolf


Red Mane Wolf

The Red Mane Wolf is a random drop from Chaos Dungeons. You might get this reward by looting from the Boss called Ungur Dongor, located in the island of Forpe, which is quite close to the Anikka. The dungeon rewards can be obtained only once per day, per account. That means if you don't get the mount the first day, you have to do the dungeon the second day.

Free Mounts You Can Get in Lost Ark Red Mane Wolf


Ladybug Mount 

The Ladybug mount is unlocked by progressing in the main Tortoyk story and completing Keep Farm from Harm quest. You can't miss this quest because it's the main zone questline. You can choose its color when unlocking it, and you won't be able to unlock both other ones. This mount can only be summoned while you are small.

Free Mounts You Can Get in Lost Ark Ladybug Mount


White Scarab

White Scarab is free, but it will take you a lot of time as you need to reach 100% completion of each continent, which grants Ignea Tokens. Once you've achieved 100% and claimed your Token, head to any Ignea Token exchange NPC to claim the White Scarab.

Free Mounts You Can Get in Lost Ark White Scarab


Golden Terpeion

Golden Terpeion is currently the rarest mount in Lost Ark because you have to complete 13 different regions in the Adventurer's Tome to unlock it. Every time you finish a region, you collect an Ignea Token as the last reward, and to claim this Golden Terpeion mount, you will need 13 Ignea Tokens.

Free Mounts You Can Get in Lost Ark Golden Terpeion p4


Moss Turtles

There are three different colors of the Moss Turtles: Azure, Green, and Yellow. You can obtain the Moss Turtle by trading Jewel Coral with any Luxury Goods Merchant who can be found in any major city. To get a Jewel Coral, you need to follow the purple quest The Turtle and the Boy on the Turtle Island, and you need to reach level 50 to begin the quest. 

Free Mounts You Can Get in Lost Ark Moss Turtle


Golden Moss Turtle

There is another Turtle called Golden Moss Turtle, which is a reward you can get by collecting 25 Island Tokens in Lost Ark. However, it's also not easy to get because you need to grind for the Tokens, just like you grind most of the things you get in MMORPGs.

Free Mounts You Can Get in Lost Ark Golden Moss Turtle


Time-Limited Free Mounts

There are also some mounts you may have seen in Lost Ark, but they were time-limited free mounts only obtainable in specific periods:


Terpeion/Terpeion of Shadow (Time-Limited)

Terpeion (White) and Terpeion of Shadow (Black) were a part of the Lost Ark launch celebration gift. These mounts are so cool since they can fly when you press the Space bar to have a speed boost. They were free to all players who logged in to the game before March 2, 2022. 

Free Mounts You Can Get in Lost Ark Terpeion and Terpeion of the Shadow


Neugier (Time-Limited)

This Hoverboard mount was also a limited-time drop unlocked after four hours of watching a Twitch stream that had this drop enabled. Players could only get this mount before March 2, 2022.

Free Mounts You Can Get in Lost Ark  Neugier


Those are the free mounts in Lost Ark so far. If you found this guide helpful, make sure to share it with your friends. For more tips and tricks related to Lost Ark, please stay tuned to MmoGah, a trustworthy site selling MMORPG gold.


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