
PoE 2: How to Farm Divine Orbs – A Currency Making Guide

Von Michel Z
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Path of Exile 2 is not just a game; it's a complex ecosystem of strategies, mechanics, and trade systems. Unlike conventional currency systems found in most games, PoE 2 utilizes a diverse array of items that serve as the primary means of transaction across its economy. From the humble scroll of wisdom to the sought-after divine orbs, each piece of currency has unique functions, facilitating the upgrading gear, crafting items, and trading with other players. If you're new to the game or looking to optimize your currency farming strategies, KimshiWasabi's guide will walk you through some effective methods to farm currency in PoE 2.



1. Optimize Your Loot Filter

Firstly, to get orbs fast in Path of Exile 2, you need to ensure your loot filter is set up correctly. Removing all the useless items will help you focus on what truly matters, saving you time and allowing you to earn currency more efficiently.

To maximize your efficiency, consider using a loot filter. Picking up low-value items can slow you down, so it's essential to streamline your process. You can use a ready-made filter from FilterBlade, customize your own, or grab one from a reputable player or streamer you follow.

KimshiWasabi has a filter ready for you that highlights only important items and things that are worth crafting. This will save you time and help you make more money.


2. Invest in Your Gear

You need a solid setup with decent gear that can easily clear tier 10 maps and handle tier 15 with relative ease. Whether your build focuses on strong area clear, single-target damage, or both, efficiency is key.

It is recommended to choose a class that offers both speed and damage, such as Invoker, Stormweaver, Deadeye, or Gemling Legionnaire. Moving quickly through maps is crucial because time equals money. The faster you clear, the more profit you make.

To earn money, you must invest some currency upfront—there's no way around it. Don't hesitate to purchase high-quality gear that enhances your character's strength. A stronger character clears faster and can tackle tougher content, which leads to greater rewards.

Invest in your build, and the returns will follow. Remember, time is money: the more time you spend in your hideout, the less you earn. Avoid doing tasks one by one—don't craft a map, run it, and repeat. Instead, focus on bulk actions:

•   Craft in bulk

•   Dump all your loot into a tab and sort it later

•   Trade in bulk

The faster you move, the richer you become.


3. Spend Currency to Make Currency

Invest your currency to generate more currency while mapping. If you have Blacksmith's Whetstones, don't just use them as they are. Instead, spend some currency to enhance them, increasing their value. This approach will yield even more Whetstones and loot in return.

The same principle applies to rare items. Rather than selling them as they are, use currency to improve them. If you're unsure which rare items are worth crafting, there is a guide that can help you identify the right ones, ensuring you don't waste currency on poor rolls.



Trading on a trade website is one of the most effective ways to earn money. To do this successfully, you'll need premium stash tabs and a basic understanding of the website's functionality. Spend 10 to 20 minutes familiarizing yourself with it, and you'll quickly get the hang of it.


4. Bulk Trading

Bulk trading can significantly increase your profits. Time is money, and spending hours purchasing Whetstones one by one is inefficient. Many players are willing to pay extra to buy a full stash tab in one go.

If you have a large number of items to sell, consider listing them in bulk. You can trade efficiently in the in-game trade channel or on the official Path of Exile 2 discord. The easier you make it for buyers, the more profit you will earn.


5. Increase Item Rarity

To find better rare items with good stats, it's essential to increase the item rarity on your gear. This is one of the most effective ways to boost your loot. Aim for at least +50% item rarity, but +100% is even better. Avoid exceeding +150%, as the additional bonuses beyond that point are not worth it.

In group play, designate one player to stack item rarity and equip Gravebind Rope Cuffs to maximize the effect. Playing in a group makes maps significantly more profitable, as everyone shares one map, saving a lot of currency. Additionally, you gain 100% item quantity per player, allowing loot to accumulate quickly.

While group play can be more challenging to manage, once you establish a good setup, it becomes one of the best methods to earn currency.


6. Mapping Mechanics

The mechanics of Whetstone depend on your preferred playstyle. In the endgame, there are four primary mechanics in mapping: Breach, Expedition, Ritual, and Delirium. Even if you focus on just one, it's beneficial to understand how the others work.

For Breach and Delirium, collecting splinters and selling them is a straightforward way to profit. However, before selling, it's wise to defeat the Breach and Delirium Bosses. This helps level up your Atlas tree, leading to more rewards and better loot in the long run.

Breach is very enjoyable. Running around, shattering mobs, and clearing everything feels exhilarating. Additionally, you can farm normal Breach rings, which are excellent for crafting. A well-crafted Breach ring can fetch a high price. If you enjoy crafting, farming Breach Bosses is a solid strategy, as they drop numerous normal Breach rings, giving you ample opportunities to create something valuable.

On the other hand, Delirium is more efficient for pure value. You don't need to pick up splinters one by one; everything drops at the end, saving time and increasing profits. If your goal is to make money quickly, this may be the better option.

Once you have enough currency, consider buying An Audience with the King and defeating him twice to unlock the tree node called He Approaches. This boosts your chances of obtaining An Audience with the King by 50%, allowing you to farm and sell them for even greater profits.

For those aiming for big rewards, you can also farm Ingenuity Utility Belts, corrupt them to 80%+, and sell them for 150+ divine orbs. This high-risk, high-reward strategy can be lucrative, but remember to secure good gear first. As mentioned earlier, stronger gear means faster clears, and faster clears means more money.


7. Farming Citadels

Farming Citadels is an excellent way to earn currency by collecting Crisis Fragments. This method relies on Whetstone drop chance rather than item rarity or quantity. The higher your Whetstone drop chance, the more fragments you'll receive.

A popular strategy involves corrupting tier 15 maps to achieve a drop chance of over 500%. However, be cautious—corrupting maps can significantly increase enemy strength, and if your build isn't prepared, they can one-shot you.

To further boost drop rates, use tower tablets around Citadels with Whetstone drop chance modifiers. With a drop chance exceeding 500%, you can guarantee three fragments per run. Selling these on the currency exchange market translates to pure profit.


8. Trial of Chaos

The Trial of Chaos is another good way to earn currency in the game. Before you start, it's recommended that you can easily clear tier 15 maps, as this challenge can be quite tough. If you fail, don't worry; you'll only lose one Inscribed Ultimatum and a couple of hours of time. However, if you're strong enough, the effort will pay off in the long run.

Each run provides a steady income with opportunities for significant payouts. On average, you can earn around five exalted orbs just from clearing mobs. Soul Cores are guaranteed drops, with most selling for about 15 exalt orbs each, meaning you can make at least 20 exalted orbs per run. There are rare Soul Cores worth between 40 and 60 exalted orbs, and an ultra-rare Soul Core of Azcapa can fetch around two divine orbs.

Additionally, the Room 10 Boss always drops a key fragment (Victorious Fate, Cowardly Fate, or Deadly Fate), which sells for a good amount—averaging over 40 exalt orbs per run.

Before entering each room, you must choose one of three detrimental mods. Choose wisely, as some mods can make the run significantly harder or even impossible to complete. So, this tier list of the best and worst mods can be helpful.

The final Boss can drop valuable uniques, but it's not worth farming unless you genuinely enjoy the fight.


9. Trial of Sekhemas

Trial of Sekhemas is a great way to farm currency, but to maximize your efficiency, it's essential to complete the full run and defeat the final Boss each time. Your objective is to clear the trial as quickly as possible while optimizing your loot.

To get more unique relics, you need to increase the relic drop quantity. The more relics you collect, the better your rewards from the final Boss. After defeating the Boss, carefully inspect the reward room:

•   Royal Caches: Contain common jewels that sell well.

•   Time-Lost Caches: Hold rare jewels that are harder to find but significantly more valuable.

•   Spectrum Caches: Drop unique jewels, but expect to receive only one every ten runs.

Some Royal and Time-Lost Caches may appear in the early reward rooms after the first three Bosses. However, whether you can open them depends on your key count.

Ensure you have enough keys by the time you reach the fourth Boss. Aim to finish each run with at least one gold key and one silver key. If a Spectrum or Time-Lost cache appears at the end, you won't want to miss the opportunity to grab them

The loot from the Boss can be valuable, but focus on the rarest drops like The Desperate Alliance Vase Relic and The Last Flame Incense Relic (aka. Temporalis relic). The Last Flame Incense Relic can sell for up to 100 divine orbs, but its drop rate is about 1% or less. Consistent farming of the Trial of Sekhemas will eventually yield one.

If you're feeling desperate, consider this high-risk strategy. Purchase a Desperate Alliance Vase Relic, defeat the Boss, and you'll receive a guaranteed Against the Darkness jewel. If sold unidentified, it can fetch at least 1,000 exalted orbs on the market. However, if you identify it and receive poor stats, its value will plummet. Conversely, if you're lucky and get great stats, you could sell it for a high price. This strategy is high-risk, high-reward, so ensure your character is strong enough before attempting it!


10. Selling Runs

Selling runs is another effective way to earn currency. Many players struggle to obtain their final ascendancy points, creating a demand for carry services, which are completely allowed. If you're strong enough, feel free to offer this service.

The process is simple. Reach the room before the final Boss, then exit the trial. Go to the trade channel and promote your carry service. A good price is around 280 exalted orbs to one divine orb per person, making this a lucrative method, especially at the beginning of a league when many players need their final ascendancy.

Once you have customers, they will wait in the lobby before the Boss while you enter and defeat it for them. Be aware that damage is shared, so if you take heavy hits, your customers might die in the lobby. The more people in your party, the harder it becomes to keep them alive, so plan accordingly.

You can also sell Atlas skill runs, charging around one divine orb per two points on a Breach Boss or other specific content.

Offering services like this carries some risks. You could get scammed if customers leave without paying after the run. This is a trust-based trade, so be cautious about whom you deal with.


11. Be the Casino

Some players can't resist the urge to gamble, often spending 20 divine orbs trying to chance an Astramentis Stellar Amulet or a Dream Fragments Sapphire Ring. Your role is to act as the casino—feed their addiction and profit from it.

Gather normal items and fill an entire stash tab. Sell them in bulk, as gamblers will pay a premium just to keep rolling, allowing you to make pure profit. Right now, the most valuable items are Sapphire Rings and Stellar Amulets, so prioritize those. If you have a gambling addiction, consider buying all the Stellar Amulets and Sapphire Rings you can find and go wild. If you're lucky, you might hit a Dream Fragment, which sells for 80 to 90 divine orbs, or an Astramentis, which can fetch over 150 divine orbs.


12. Crafting for Profit

Focus on normal item level 80+ bases. For example, if you find a good one, use Essence of Electricity. If you're fortunate, you might roll a +5 to all lightning skill levels. If you hit that, use an Orb of Augmentation and then apply Greater Essence of Haste to roll for cast speed. Just these two stats can make the item sell for a couple of divine orbs.

If you want to dive deeper into crafting, you can visit the Craft of Exile website. Check out the Path of Exile 2 section to see the exact chances of rolling specific mods and plan your crafting strategy accordingly.

If you're interested in profit crafting, it's recommended to watch the videos below to learn how to craft a mirror iter item.



13. Selling Gold for Divine Orbs

Gold selling is currently a hot topic because players require a substantial amount of gold for trading with Alva. The best strategy to maximize your profit from it is by selling tier 15 maps. Sell them in bulk, as players are eager to buy them with currency. So, all you have to do is collect a full stash tab of maps and use the trade channel (820) or the Path of Exile discord to promote your maps. The price depends on how much gold you can get from your stash.


14. Currency Flipping

Last but not least, currency flipping is one of the easiest ways to earn currency, though it requires a solid understanding of the market.

You need to study which currencies are profitable to flip. A simple example is flipping divine orbs to exalted orbs, then selling a few exalted orbs back for divines. If you calculate correctly, you can profit on each trade. Be aware that this strategy will cost you gold upfront. Some players have earned a mirror in just a few weeks using this method. While it may be slow, it's a consistent way to build wealth over time.

It is very tedious, but if you enjoy working with numbers and market strategies, this could be for you. Grab Excel, open your calculator, and dive into currency exchanges at Alva. With patience and smart decision-making, this can be one of the safest ways to generate substantial profit over time.


Now you know various strategies for making currency in Path of Exile 2. If you have tips of your own, please share your thoughts in the comments. Also, don't forget to give the video a thumbs up and subscribe to KimshiWasabi's channel!


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