
PoE Builds 3.21: Flicker Strike Build

Von Nancy G
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Today I will show you Phoenix’s Flicker Strike build in this Crucible league, one that deals very high damage and is extremely Tanky at the same time. This build can go anywhere, destroy all bosses, and beat all content in a flash. Must try it if you are a Flicker Strike fan.


Flicker Strike Build pic



Duelist Slayer

Because the Slayer ascendancy is best for both melee damage and tankiness, its starting location on the tree is perfect for us.


Flicker Strike Build ascendancy


1. Impact

First, we begin with Impact. This node gives us that Accuracy and Strike Range while leveling that alongside 15% more damage to enemies based on proximity. On melee skills like Flicker, you'll always get the highest bonus from the proximity modifier because you're sitting on top of the enemy when you hit them.


2. Brutal Fervour

Next, we got Brutal Fervour. This node provides doubled Life Recovery from Leech and 10% Global damage reduction while leeching. This is the best defensive node in the whole game. Melee builds need something like this to sustain themselves against bosses.


3. Masterful Form

Next, we take Masterful Form. This node sets our Maximum Endurance Charges equal to our Maximum Frenzy Charges. This is in addition to increasing our Maximum Frenzy Charges count by one. This node is usually the main reason why Slayer is better than Raider.


4. Bane of Legends

Last but not least, we have Bane of Legends. If we have killed anything recently, this node is 20% more Damage multiplier against Unique Enemies and 10% more. And both of them stack together.



Passive Tree

The passive tree focuses on Frenzy Charges, Attack nodes, Sword nodes, Crit nodes, Spell Suppression, Block, Life, and Speed.


Flicker Strike Build skill tree


Next, I will share two large cluster jewel setups going. These provide us with leech and additional jewel sockets. They add the following notables: Fuel the Fight, Feed the Fury, Martial Prowess, and Gladiator's Fortitude.


Next, for Mastery choices, make sure to take the 40% of Phys Damage Converted to Cold Damage as it is required for the build. We also have 120% increased Critical Strike Chance with Swords at the cost of 20% Crit Multiplier. We compensate for that downside with the 25% increased Critical Strike Multiplier against Unique Enemies.




1. The Saviour

Starting, we mainly handle The Savior as our weapon in this build. This is unheard of in a non-dual-wielding build. Here is the thing, after the recent buff to its percent damage, a well-rolled savior is about half as good as the best rare sword on the market. Now add the extra damage dealt by your Reflections, and you get yourself a mirror-tier performance for only a couple of divines. I say people should take advantage of this before GGG realizes their mistake with a buff and nerfed the swapping down next League.


2. Pandemonium Span

Next, we got the self-crafted rare shell to go alongside our weapon. It is Synthesised with +1 to Maximum Frenzy Charges implicit. We spent Essences of Loathing on it until we got Block Chance alongside other suffixes we were satisfied with. After that, we spend exalted orbs on the prefixes until hitting tier-one life.


3. Replica Farrul's Fur

Our next item is Replica Farrul's Fur. This item generates both our maximum number of frenzy and endurance charges as long as we are running aspect of the cat. On this, you want to have 30 quality, and the Harvest Enchant, which makes quality bonuses, not an intelligence bonus. Now in order to benefit from our chest, we need a rare item with the aspect of the cat crafted on it.


4. Darkray Vectors

Our next item is Darkray Vectors' unique boot, another standard item for Flicker builds. We are looking to maximize our frenzy charges, so it's only natural to use this boot. This can also increase our movement speed with frenzy charges. So it’s faster than the fastest mirror-tier boots on the market. Just make sure to enchant your boots with damage penetration if you haven't killed lab enchant because it's a lot of damage for very little time investment.


5. Arn's Anguish

Our next item is Arn's Anguish unique belt. This item turns all of our endurance charges into brutal charges. Each brutal charge is 3% chance to deal triple damage. We got 13 brutal charges and 78 more damage from one item.  


6. Kalandra's Touch

You are guaranteed to find at least one mirror-tier Flicker Strike ring listed for Mirror service on the market regardless of whatever League you are playing in because flicker strike is very popular.


7. Corruption Torc Citrine Amulet

Now for our amulet, we got a Torc that has life, crit chance, ctic multi, and adds physical damage to attacks. Make sure to anoint Frenetic on your amulet, as it represents the frenzy charges that we couldn't manually afford to allocate on our passive tree.


8. Pain Grip Gloves

Last but not least, we got the GG flicker gloves with +2 to maximum frenzy charges, +2 strike targets, and 25% physical damage converted to cold.





Flicker Strike – Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks – Awakened Cold Penetration – Awakened Multistrike – Ice Bite – Close Combat


Flicker Strike Build gem 1


Primary Reservation Setup

Hatred – Precision – Herald of Ice – Enlighten


Flicker Strike Build gem 2



Assassin's Mark – Mark On Hit – Enhance – Lifetap


Flicker Strike Build gem 3


Primary Mobility Setup

Leap Slam – Faster Attacks – Lifetap


Flicker Strike Build gem 4



Ancestral Protector – Portal (gem) – Enhance


Flicker Strike Build gem 5



Watcher's Eye

Lethal Pride



Bandits and Pantheons


Soul of the Brine King for the majors

Soul of Abberath for the minors




Here is the end of this Flicker Strike build. Please stay tuned on for more useful PoE builds.


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