
PoE Farming Guide 3.25: Best Farm of Ritual

By Nancy G
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This detailed guide for Ritual farming strategy covers everything you need to know from Atlas to Scarab Setups / Maps for Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur.


Why Is Ritual Great in 3.25?


● Ritual – Exclusive boss fragment

● 0.8 Div each


● Good cost 30 Chaos orbs1.5 Divine orbs

● A very common drop


● New scarabs improve Ritual farming a lot.


About Ritual

● You fight monsters revived in ritual circles.

● Kill enemies to get Tribute.

● Spend Tribute to choose and get rewards.


Who Respawns?

● Monsters that have been inside the map when it was opened.

● For example, Breach and Harbingers do not work.

● Shrines, Exiles, Delirium, and Legion can work.

● Important: only monsters that spawned and died within the circles will be revived.


Is Luring Working?

● However, in the 3.24 league, I tested it extensively, and for some reason, the map boss was consistently being revived after Luring.

● Not enough info in 3.25, so take it with a grain of salt.


Stat to Boost Favour

● The main way to boost it is to roll a good map

● More packsize → more favour → more rewards


stat to boost


What Monsters Give More Tribute?

Monsters provide different numbers of Tribute.

The Tribute contribution mostly depends on the following:

A) rarity of the monster

B) number of times it was revived



How to Manage Favour?

● You can't buy all good items immediately.

● Instead, defer the items.

● They will reappear in one of the next encounters.


How to Defer to Avoid Losses?

● Ideally, you need to defer the items each time you see them.

● If you defer every time, the price will decrease. If you stop deferring, the price will increase back.

● You need to defer an item at least once per map to avoid the penalty.



After the last reroll, you should have at least 5000 Tribute to be able to defer any cool, expensive reward.



What to Buy and Defer?

● Audience with the king

● Currency, but not small Chaos stacks

● Ignore bubblegum (i.e., a currency that costs less than 1c each)

● Watch out for expensive div cards.

● Price check synthesized bases before deferring/buying (e.g., with awakened PoE trade)

● If you have spare favour, you can get ritual splinters.

● We will need blood vessels ourselves.

● Watch out for expensive scarabs.


How to Maximize Favour?

● The first Ritual you click should be the most populated.

● E.g., if shrines spawned overlapping the ritual circle, if there are unique mobs or map boss

● You can rush to the boss to see if the Ritual spawned on top of it.


What Maps Are Best to Run?

Wretched Crate Glacier Map

Forgotten Refuse Mesa Map

Dread Clearing Jungle Valley Map


2 Phases of Ritual Farm

Phase 1: running Ritual with the regular Atlas tree to defer as many valuables as possible.

Phase 2: cash out



Here is the ending of this in-depth Ritual farming guide. All the above content is original from Ronarray's video, and you can also watch his video to get more details.



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