
'Pokemon Go' Latest Update of Spawn Points & Nests

Von John Ryan
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It's not a secret that in "Pokemon GO" Niantic has certain locations and certain areas that has a higher spawn rate than others. Even to the point that it has a high spawn rate of one specific kind of Pokemon.

'Pokemon GO' Nest Migration

Pokémon Go has been updated, but not in the form of a downloadable patch. Pokemon nests have changed and spawn rates have increased to provide an improved experience in some areas. With regard to nests, what we essentially see is a massive migration of about 50 Pokemon to different spawn points. The full list is pretty massive. None of the changes are too lopsided in terms of rarity, and they don’t really involve any truly shiny monsters. That being said, this shift should be especially appreciated by more regimented players that are tired of coming across the same stuff while in transit to work or school. Some standouts include Nidoran male, Jynx and Electabuzz spawns being replaced by Onyx. Electabuzz can also be found where Clefairy, Nidoran female, Omanyte and Ryhorn used to roam.

Because nesting updates generally correlate to geography, not all of the referenced swaps will be accurate. At best, this should be reminder for all Pokemon Go fanatics to check the app if they want to see which new creatures may be lurking in the tall grass. Let's take a look of what could be the possible changes.

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Not only are Pokemon nests changed, but it also seems spawns have been adjusted as well. In most cases, monsters appear to generate almost twice as frequently as they did before. Several users noted double or more Pokemon counts at their homes after the server-side update went live Monday. While there are a few odd reports of spawns being removed, the general consensus is that there’s been an overall increase in activity especially when using cellular data.

What Are Spawn Points?

Spawn points are specific locations wherein servers are placed and will spawn a specific Pokemon in a specific time. For a player this would mean that in every spawning point that a "Pokemon GO" player will secure for himself/herself; this will be shown in your Sightings listing.

Why is it Important to Locate these Spawn Points?

The importance of spawn points is that it will cater to a much quicker approach of seeking out a Pokemon courtesy of your Sightings list nearby your location. This will also give you a prompt of the appropriate schedule for the whole day of a "Pokemon GO" spawn location; of which if it could yield a rare Pokemon.

What is the Best Way of Seeking-out these Spawn Points?

The only efficient way to seek out these so-called "Pokemon GO" spawn points is by the usual walking. Never forget to use the Sighting tool and try to make an exploration of all the Pokemon that will register on the listing.

Consistently, attempt to watch the area of where you got these Pokemon and observe the time you've seen or gotten them. In the event that this pattern proceeds for a few back to back hours amid the day and showing up at precisely the same, odds are that particular area where you've caught the Pokemon is a "Pokemon GO" generate.


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