
Revelation Online will Bring French & German Versions by Q3 2017

Von Delia Woolf
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Ever since Revelation Online opened its beta doors, heroes from around the globe dove right into the world of Nuanor despite it being English only during its early stages of development.


We’re happy to be informed that, while the endeavor has taken longer than expected, work has been continuing full force on the French & German localization – so much so that NetEase and are announcing that they aim to have Revelation Online launched in both these languages by Third Quarter 2017! As the progress continues the Revelation Online team will update everyone with more precise dates and information.


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Where are we now?


At the moment of publishing this article, QA & Localization teams have already begun testing FR & DE clients via closed servers, giving them a polish and focussing on all the finishing touches required for a quality experience.


The team would also like to give you a small insight of what localization is and how it works. While translating the in-game text is a large localization effort, the project affects many areas of the game that all need to align, this can include: altering art assets, expanding the UI, programing, among other things.


The team has been working hard to provide you, the Community, with an update on the French and German versions. They previously mentioned that they have pushed the FR & DE localization onto their internal testing servers for the team to look for issues which could appear from pushing their localization onto the client. The types of issues the team may encounter will be from text not appearing at all to text not fitting within the UI. These issues can then be fixed by the team, UI can be expanded and it can be investigated as to why the text isn’t appearing correctly.

Below you will find some images of some of the progress they have made within the clients themselves.








As the team work on finishing polishing the game and getting ready for launch, they want to give everyone a huge thank you for the continued feedback and suggestions during the open beta, as well as thank you for your patience during the long localization process. They look forward to bringing you the French and German versions and providing a means for heroes to enjoy Revelation Online in their own language.


Please stay tuned for further updates on the French and German versions of Revelation Online in the upcoming future.


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