
How to Get Fire Cape OSRS

Von Michel Z
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Fire cape OSRS is one of the most powerful Melee capes in RuneScape. This a guide to defeat Jad and get the much-coveted Fire cape OSRS. This guide is going to explain the best tactics for killing Jad and the monsters in the waves leading up to Jad. MmoGah provides cheap OSRS gold for you to reach the required levels fast. The original author of this guide is JBastow from levelskip.



How to Get to the Tz-Haar Fight Caves

There are several ways that you can get to the Fight caves. One way is that you can use a charged amulet of glory, rub it and teleport to Karamja. Then you run west towards the volcano on the island until you reach some rocks. Next, you will see a rope going down into the cave and this is where you want to go. Click on it and head straight down into the volcano. As soon as you go down the cave you will see there is a brown and orange cave entrance and this is where you want to go through next. You continue to run west until you see the bank logo on your map and directly across from the bank is the entrance to the Fight caves.



Recommended Stats for Getting the Fire Cape

It is recommended to have at least a minimum of 43 Prayer, 45 Defense as well as 70 Ranged.



I recommend that your Inventory consists of 8 Saradomin brews, 2 Ranging potions, 18 Super-restore potions and also a lot of Purple sweets (optional).




It depends entirely on your Combat level and how much RS gold you actually have. But I recommend that you wear the best Ranging armour, a Rune crossbow, and a Divine shield. If you cannot afford a Divine or you don't have the required stats to wield a Divine, then use the best shield that you can for your Defence level. As for the amulet, it is recommended to wear an Amulet of glory or an Amulet of Ranging.


Try to wear the best Dragonhide that you can wear, and if you wear Blessed dragon hide, this will also give you a Prayer bonus which helps slow down the rate at which you Prayer points decrease.  I recommend that you have anywhere between 700-1200 bolts depending on your Ranging level. Use Diamond bolts and Ava's acumulator, because if you are not wearing an accumulator, you will lose a lot of bolts and a lot of cash.


Cheap outfit

Rune crossbow, Black dhide body, Black vambs, Rune platelegs, Rune kiteshield, Archers helm, Snakeskin boots, Ava's accumulator, Amulet of glory and also a lot of Diamond or Ruby bolts.


Expensive Outift

Full Armadyl, Rune crossbow, Ava's accumulator, Amulet of fury, Enchanted diamond bolts, Archer ring, Regin bracelet, Range boots, Dragonfire shield or Divine or unholy Zammy book.



Tz-Kih level 22: Each hit drains 10 of your Prayer points, it even drains your Prayer points when they don’t hit on you. So try to kill this monster as quickly as you can.


Tz-Kek level 45: This is very easy to kill, and you should not have too much to worry about when killing it.


Tz-Kek level 22: When you have killed the Level 45 Tz-Kek, it splits into two mini versions of level 22 Tz-Keks which are also very easy to kill.


Tok-Xil level 90: It is very powerful, and it can hit constant 200's on you unless you use the protect against Range prayer. It can also switch to use melee, so I recommend keeping your distance and ranging it.


Yt-Mejkot level 180: This monster uses Melee but can be quite easy to kill if you use the various safe spots in the Fight caves. You can hide around the corner and range it until it dies. You should not be using Prayer against this monster because of their size, and they are really easy to be trapped at safe spots.


Ket-Zek level 360: This monster uses magical attacks as well as melee, so you must protect from magic when fighting this monster, and also try to keep your distance as it can hit anywhere up to 600 on you with Melee.


Tz-Tok-Jad level 702: This is the hardest monster of all, and I will explain how to kill this monster later in this guide.


Yt-Hurkot level 108: These monster use Melee and also act as healers towards Jad so you will have to focus on killing them and Jad if you want to get a Fire cape OSRS successfully.

 How to Get Fire Cape OSRS p101


Safe Spots at the Fight Caves

There are various safe spots in the Fight caves. The first one that you will come across is the one directly in front of you as soon as you enter the Fight caves. It is located north east of the entrance. It is very distinguished as it looks like the boot of Italy (shape of Italy). You will not have to switch to any other safe spots in the caves as this one is probably the best one. I recommend using these safe spots from level 15 onward when the Yt-Merkot monsters come.



Tz-Haar Fight Cave Wave Stratergy

Waves 1-29 are rather simple and I recommend to start using the Safe spots at level 15 when the Yt-Mejkot monsters come.


Wave 29: At wave 29, you will see 2 Yt-Mejkot monsters spawn and this is when you really have to concentrate, trap both behind the safe spot, and after you have killed the first one, you will have to activate your protect from magic prayer all the way up until Jad, because the next round, the level 300 Magic monsters come and these can 1 hit you with Magic.


Level 30 onward: Always protect from Magic, continue to use safe spots, and now is also a good time to start using some of your Ranging potions to kill the monsters and get to Jad quicker.


At the end of wave 62, stay calm and prepare yourself for Jad. Jad uses both Magic and Ranging attacks. It can 1 hit you, so you must be aware of what attack he is using and be quick at switching from protect from Magic to protect from Range.


His Ranging attack sounds like a crashing sound, so when you hear this, switch to protect from Range; His Magic attack sounds like a swooshing sound, so when you hear this, switch to Magic.


Try not to go close to Jad, as he can also 1 hit you with melee. When Jad is attacking with Range, you will see him stomp his two front feet, and this is when you want to switch to protect from Range; When he is using magical attacks, he will tilt his head backwards and release a large fireball, and this is when you should protect from Magic.


When Jad's Healers arrive, you’ll want to attack them all so that they are all focused on you and not healing Jad. Try to trap two healers behind you when you are facing Jad and two to the side. The healers can hit and kill you rather quickly, so remember to drink your Saradomin brews, and also, try to finish Jad as quickly as you can. 



TzTok-Jad is one of the highest level monsters in Old School RuneScape, and many players have failed to defeat Jad numerous times for a Fire Cape OSRS. So while sharing this guide with you, MmoGah also provides OSRS Fire cape service which allows you to get it in the shortest time with little effort. With over 10 year experience in the business, we are confident that our professional service and good reputation can attract you to place a trial order in our store. 

Keep checking back for more RuneScape news and guides related to OSRS Fire cape, RS gold, as well as OSRS accounts. We have a flipping guide for beginners to earn RS3 gold easily in RuneScape 3 and some methods to train the buyable skills with the cheapest methods in RuneScape 2007.


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