
OSRS: Best F2P Money Making Methods 2019

Von Michel Z
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Welcome to the best F2P money making methods in 2019 which can earn you OSRS coins for upgrading armor, training skills, or getting a Bond in Old School RuneScape. This guide includes how to make money as a F2P player with low skills, medium skills, and high skills. Content for this article was inspired by Theoatrix OSRS's video.


After completing Tutorial Island, you go to the Lumbridge graveyard. Make sure you still have the Shrimp and Bread you’ve got from the Tutorial Island in your inventory. Speak to Count Check, and ask him where you can learn more. He will teleport you one time straight to the entry of the Stronghold security where you can claim 10K OSRS gold along with some boots. 


To claim your rewards, you’ll need to activate 2 factor authentication of your RuneScape account. To quickly set that up, you can go into the account manage tab and click view inbox which takes you to your account setting where you set up your Google Authenticator in a few minutes. 


Below are the safest ways to go through each level of the Stronghold.


Vault of War (level 1): 2K reward

Catacomb of Famine (level 2): 3K reward

Pit of Pestilence (level 3): 5K reward

Sepulchre of Death (level 4): Boots

The first level is completely safe, and no monster will attack you. But the second and the third levels have some higher level monsters. As a new player with 10 hitpoints and low food, I suggest you leave the stronghold after you loot the chest on floor 3. 


With the gold you get, you can buy some good gear and weapons and get into training. At a low level, killing Cows is a great way to train and make some money at the same time. The three drops from Cows combined can make a total loot of 250 rsgp per Cow. 


Imps are also a decent money maker due to their Bead drops and the Mind talismans. There are a few Imps can be found at the Karamja volcano, and it is recommended to use Magic or Ranged since they teleport around quite a bit.



Low Requirement Money Making Methods


Shop Selling

The goal with the F2P shop selling is to buy items in bulk and take them to a specialty store, and since specialty stores usually buy items for more than the high alch value, you can make a big profit.


Across F2P, there is a lot of stores with a huge potential profit, and the key to finding good items is ones that are worth less than the high alch value and are under 200 gp each.



Tanning Cowhide

Profit: +60K gp/H


You can buy cowhide from the Grand Exchange with your gold or get it from killing Cows. As a F2P player, you can turn cowhide into leather and hard leather. Cowhides have a stable price of around 100 gp each, and by taking them to the tanner in Al Kharid, you can pay 1 or 3 gp to turn them into soft leather or hard leather.


The Soft leather and the Hard leather have very similar prices, and the profit is 40 gp per tanned cowhide, so you can make +60K RuneScape gold per hour.



Making Iron Bars

Requires Level 15 Smithing

Profit: +80K gp/H


Upon reaching level 15 Smithing which you can easily get from doing Knight's Sword quest, you unlock Smelting Iron ore. By using a Ring of Forging, you guarantee an Iron bar outcome. The closest furnace to a bank in F2P is the Edgeville furnace which has no requirement.



Making Silver Bars

Requires Level 20 Smithing

Profit: 40K gp/H


You can also make Silver bars at level 20 Smithing. You can get 30 gold per bar and the total profit is 40K gold/H.



Sapphire Rings

Requires Level 20 Crafting

Profit: +120K gp/H


Crafting is another low requirement skill that makes quite a lot of gold in F2P. Sapphire Ring is the most profitable jewellery to make in F2P, giving 110 gp per ring that you make, and this is 120K-150K gold/H, depending on how focused you are.



Emerald Rings

Requires Level 27 Crafting

Profit: 100K gp/H


At level 27 Crafting, you unlock Emerald Rings which is also a decent money making method, giving 80 gp per ring.



Medium Requirement Money Making Methods


Tele-grab Nature Runes

Requires Level 33 Magic

Profit: 200-250K OSRS gold/H


By taking a staff and a Law rune to this location in the Wilderness, you can telekinetic grab Nature runes for a big profit. Note that this is a popular PK area due to this money making method, but with the huge increase in the number of F2P worlds, this method isn’t so bad.  


Each telegrab gets 4 or 3 Nature runes as well as 43 Magic XP. By consistently telegrabing and hopping, you can get 200K-250K gold/H.



Ogress Warriors

Profit: +130K gold/H


They can be found down the hole in the Corsair Cove forest. To access Corsair Cove, you need to start the Corsair Curse quest. It is recommended to use a Magic or Ranged to kill the Ogress Warriors, and there are many safe spots around the room. The picture below shows some safe spots, and there is a lot if you go further into the cave.


There are also Ogress Shamans you need to watch out for. They use Magic, but they only have a max hit of 8, so you can make it through at a low level.


Ogress Warriors drop a lot of Runes and Rune items, the profit here is 100K-200K gold/H, depending your weapon and Combat level. These warriors are also great for Ironman, since they drop a lot of Law runes, Nature runes, and Alchables.



Anti-Dragon Shields

Requires Dragon Slayer quest

Profit: +80K gp/H


Next method is stockpiling Anti-dragon Shields in Edgeville after completing the Dragon Slayer quest. Oziach's Armour stocks 35 shields for 26 gp as starting value, and they can be sold pretty fast on the GE for 75 gp.


The worlds are very empty as well due to the large number of F2P worlds. The profit is about 80K gp/H, but keep in mind that you need 75K gold as a starting cash to buy all the shields.



Mining Coal or Gold Ore

Profit of Mining Coal: +30K rsgp/H

Profit of Mining Gold Ore: +70K rsgp/H


Mining Coal or Gold ore is another decent way to profit for a F2P player. You can mine Coal near the Edgeville Bank at Barbarian Village. The best place to mine Gold ore is in the Al Kharid mine.



Making Pizzas

Profit: +150K gold/H


Cooking is quite a profitable skill, but the best way to make money is to cook Pizzas. The process of making Pizzas is a little longer than standard cooking.


The most profitable way is to make pizzas from scratch. By using a pizza base which you can make with a bucket of water and a pot of flour, you can add a tomato and cheese to make an uncooked pizza.


Cooking it has a profit of +180 gold per pizza. You can then add meat or Anchovy to it, but that only boost the profit by 20 gp. You have a chance of burning the Pizzas until level 68 Cooking. Cooking is very break-even and profitable, so getting to level 68 Cooking shouldn’t take long or cost much.



Tele-grab Wines

Requires Level 33 Magic and 500 total levels

Profit: +200K OSRS gold


With the Telekinetic grab runes, you can make your way to the Chaos Temple located north of Falador. The upstair is far less crowed than the ground floor. There is no ladder in the temple, and you need to have 500 total levels and wear a Zamorak monk top and bottom. If you don’t get disturbed here, by grabbing wine and using a Falador teleport to bank and go back, you could get easily get 200K-300K gold/H.



High Requirement Money Making Methods


Smithing Rune plateskirt/Rune platelegs/Rune swords

Requires Level 99 Smithing

Profit: +400K gold/H

Item Profit
Rune plateskirt 480 gp
Rune platelegs 550 gp 
Rune swords 470 gp


The best money maker in F2P as well as the highest requirement method in this guide is Smithing Rune plateskirt, Rune platelegs, or Rune swords at level 99 Smithing. In one hour, you can make 700-900 depending on how focused you are. This is +400K gold/H, but you need to check the price of these items before you do with this method because the price of Rune bars can fluctuates quite a lot. To do with this method, you also need a large amount of RS gold to start.


Cutting Yew Trees

Requires Level 60 Woodcutting

Profit: 40K-80K gold/H


This is pretty average one in terms of making money. At level 60 Woodcutting, you can only get +40K gold/H, and at higher levels above level 90 Woodcutting, you can get up to 80K gold/H.


There are two locations in F2P that are good for cutting Yew trees. The first place is behind the Varrock castle where the GE is the nearest bank. The second place is a little south of the bank in a destroyed building in Edgeville.



Mining Rune

Requires Level 85 Mining

Profit: +450K gold/H


With a high Mining level, you can make stacks of money in F2P. At level 85 Mining, you unlock Runite ore, and you can mine and hop north of the Lava mine for a maximum of profit of +450K gold/H. There are often PK’ers around here, so a safe option is mining Adamant which you unlock at level 70 Mining.



Mining Adamant

Requires Level 70 Mining

Profit: +130K gold/H 


There are two mining spots that are closest to the banks in F2P. One is at the Lumbridge swap south-west mine, and you can bank at the Draynor Village. The second one is the Al Kharid mine, and you can bank at the Al Kharid bank. Consistently mining Adamant ore can net you 130K-180K gold per hour.



Melee Ogress Warriors

Profit:+180K gold/H

The final high requirement methods are Combat methods. It is recommended to have full Rune armor and a Rune scimitar.


Melee’ing Ogress warriors can be faster than maging or ranging them, and you’ll get +180K gold per hour.



Melee Ankous

Profit: 80K-100K RS 2007 gold/H


Melee’ing Ankous is another great option located on the final level of the Stronghold security, and this is 80K-100K gold/H.




There are also two F2P bosses available. Fighting Obor gives a Hill giant club which is over 500K gold in value. To fight Obor, you need to get a Giant key from killing a regular Hill giant. Killing the boss can be very tough, so a Strength potion and food are needed.


An Obor attacks with Melee and Ranged, and it can detect whether you are using protection prayers against his current attack style.


Along with the Hill giant club, he drops a lot of high value Runes as well as a large amount of alchable drops.



That is a complete OSRS F2P money making guide for 2019, and I hope you find something useful from this guide. Should you need more news and guides related to RuneScape gold, it will be a good idea to bookmark the RuneScape news page. There are some most AFK training methods for OSRS in 2019, and a beginner’s flipping guide for RuneScape 3 players to earn RS3 gold with little effort. 




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