
SWTOR: The New Weapon Tunings

Von John Ryan
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The new Chapter Profit and Plunder will be released on May 5, before that A Weapon Tuning has been newly added to customize your weaponry, creating a brilliant visual flair on the weapon.

When you want to equip a Weapon Tuning, the first thing you’ll need is a weapon with an available Tuning Slot. Weapons that have a Tuning Slot come from many different sources including the Cartel Market, PvP, Operations, Reputation Vendors, Flashpoints, Heroics Missions, and Crafting Recipes. Be sure to check if your Weapon has a Tuning Slot.


Then, you’ll need a Weapon Tuning. They are currently only found in Cartel Market Packs. The first Weapon Tuning, Lightning, is available in the Plunderer Pack which launches alongside Chapter XIII: Profit and Plunder.


Combining the two is as simple as making any other modification to your weapon, when you get a weapon with an open Tuning Slot and a Weapon Tuning. First, CTRL + Right - click the item to open up the Field Modification window, or take it to an Item Modification Station. Then simply drag the Weapon Tuning into the open Tuning Slot and hit “Apply”. Your Weapon will automatically begin using the effect created by the Mod.


Weapon Tunings work like any other Weapon Modification - you will need to pay a fee to extract it if you have placed one in a weapon. Placing one into a weapon will bind it to your character, and Weapon Tunings are not a part of the Collections Interface.


Arcann’s rule has brought the Galaxy to its knees, but new opportunities to wrest the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire back from his grasp are appearing every day. Claim your Weapon Tuning and lead your Alliance against the forces of the Eternal Throne.


There are some questions and answers about the new Weapon Tunings:

The Weapon Tunings stated in the original blog that they will NOT be added to collections. You will need to buy 1 for each weapon you want the effect applied to at the same time. However, you can move the tuner from 1 weapon to another. Basically a half-way ground between normal cosmetic gear that you can get multiple sets of for free and the cosmetic one-time use dyes that you have to pay for each use. So, you should recognize that there will need too much swtor gold, if you want to find a reliable and professional swtor seller, you can have a try on


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