
Raid Buffs and Debuffs in Wrath of the Lich King Classic

Von Hasi
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Buffs and Debuffs are very important in WotLK Classic, especially in raids, and you will have to learn everything about them and know how to survive in raids in Wrath Classic. For beginners, this can be a hard task but not anymore, thanks to this buff and debuffs guide. Here, you will learn about the effects, relevant classes, and details of each buff and debuff.


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Raids Buffs

As the name suggests, raid buffs are effects that give your character and teammates special abilities for a limited time. Here is the list of all the available raid buffs in Wrath of the Lich King. For surviving in raids, you also need gear and armor that you can get with WoW gold WotLK.


Horn of Winter

Horn of winter is a buff by death knight that boosts up the agility and the strength of your teammates within thirty yards. This buff lasts for two minutes and also generates ten runic power. It is provided by all the specs of the death knight class.


Elemental Oath

This buff lets you deal ten percent more spell damage, and all the nearby party members get a five percent bonus. It is provided by the elemental spec of the shaman class.


Strength of Earth Totem

Strength of earth totem is a buff that lasts for five minutes at rank eight. It is provided by the shaman and increases the agility and the strength of party members by one hundred and fifty-five within a radius of thirty yards.


Battle Shout

This buff is provided by all specs of the warrior and boosts up the attacking power of all the teammates in the current raid by five hundred and fifty. This buff works within a range of thirty yards and lasts for two minutes.


Blessing of Might

Blessing of might buffs the attacking power of raid members who have the same class by five hundred and fifty points. This buff lasts for thirty minutes, and a character can have one blessing at a time. It is provided by all the specs of the paladin class.  


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Trueshot Aura

This aura buff is provided by a marksmanship hunter and boosts up the attacking power of all raid members by ten percent. The working range of this buff is a hundred yards, and you have to manually cancel it.


Unleashed Rage

The unleashed rage buff boosts up your expertise by nine, along with the attacking power of party members by ten percent. This buff works in the hundred yards of the enhancement shaman.


Abominations Might

This buff boosts up the strength of your character by two percent and the attacking power of your teammates by ten percent. The working radius of this buff is one hundred yards, and it is provided by the blood death knight.


Arcane Empowerment

This buff boosts up the damage dealt by your arcane missiles as well as the damage of arcane blasts by nine percent.


Ferocious Inspiration

This buff increases the damage of your party members by three percent when the pet is near the. This debuff is provided by the beast mastery hunter, and you will need an active pet to use it on the battlefield.


Sanctified Retribution

This buff boosts the damage of the retribution aura by fifty percent. It is provided by retribution paladin.


Blessing of Sanctuary

This buff reduces the damage done to a friend by three percent for ten minutes and increases their stamina and strength by ten percent as a bonus.


Renewed Hope    

If you are going to use penance, flash heal, or the greater heal spell, this buff will increase the critical effect chance of them by four percent. This effect is provided by the discipline priest.


Improved Moonkin Form

All the targets of this buff will get a three percent haste boost, and you will get a thirty percent damage increase.


Tree of Life    

With this buff, you can decrease the cost of healing by mana by twenty percent. Your character will transform into a tree of life.


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Commanding Shout

This buff boosts the health of all the raid members and lasts for two minutes.


Fel Intelligence    

This buff enables the fel hunter pet to boost up the intellect and the spirit of your teammates. It is provided by all the specs of the warlock class. You will also need the fel hunter pet to use this buff.


Gift of the Wild

This buff increases the armor of all the players in your raid party, as well as all the other attributes to some extent. You will get it with all the specs of the druid class.


Mana Spring Totem

This buff uses a summon to restore mana for five minutes straight. It works on all your teammates.


Improved Icy Talons

This buff boosts the melee haste of members in your raid by twenty percent and your haste by twenty-five percent. It is provided by frost and blood death knight.


Windfury Totem

This buff is a summon that increases the melee haste of all the players in your party by sixteen percent for five minutes. This debuff is provided by the enhancement shaman class.


Leader of the Pack

This buff is provided by the feral druid. If your character is in the form of a cat, bear, or dire bear, the melee and ranged, the critical chance of members in your party are increased by five percent. It is provided by the feral druid class.



This buff boosts the melee and the ranged damage of your fellows by five percent within a radius of one hundred yards. This debuff is provided by the fury warrior.


Ancestral Healing

This buff reduces the physical damage dealt by enemies by ten percent if you have a critical effect from a healing spell.



These are buffs that reduce the effectiveness of your enemies on the battlefield. In Wrath of the Lich King, you won't be able to win a battle without them. If you can't upgrade your character, use WotLK power leveling to let professionals handle it.


Acid Spit

With this debuff, you can reduce the armor of an enemy by ten percent as well as deal nature damage to them for thirty seconds.


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Expose Armor

This debuff reduces the armor of an enemy by twenty percent and exposes the target with the last finishing move.


Sunder Armor                 

This debuff sunders the armor of an enemy to reduce it by four percent and increases the amount of threat.


Faerie Fire

This debuff will decrease the armor of your enemy by five percent for five minutes. Over the course of this debuff, the enemy can't become invisible or stealthy to avoid attacks by your teammates.



With this debuff, you can sting enemies with the wasp to deal with nature damage and decreases their armor by five percent.


Curse of Weakness

The armor and the melee attacking power of the target of this debuff is decreased for two minutes.


Demoralizing Roar

This debuff decreases the melee attacking power of all the nearby enemies for thirty seconds.


Demoralizing Shout

The debuff decreases the melee attacking power of all enemies for thirty seconds.



If you use this debuff and deal damage with a paladin, you have the chance to decrease the attacking power of your target for ten seconds.       


Judgments of the Just

This debuff decreases the melee attacking speed of any enemy by twenty percent, along with some additional effects to the other judgment spells.


Improved Thunder Clap       

This debuff decreases the cost of a thunderclap by four points as well as boosts up the damage by thirty percent. The slowing effect is also boosted by ten percent. It is provided by all the specs of the warrior class.



The mangle bear debuff deals normal damage and damage by bleeding effects. The mangle cat debuff also deals normal damage and bleed effect damage for one minute.



Your rhino deals damage to enemies by slamming into them.



With a critical melee strike, the effectiveness of all the bleed effects is boosted by thirty percent in one minute.


Heart of the Crusader

With the usual effect of the judgment spell, the critical strike chance of any attack mode will increase by three percent.


Totem of Wrath    

This debuff is a summon that boosts the power of spells of your raid members and increases the chance to do a critical strike by three percent. It is provided by the elemental shaman class.


Judgment of Light

This debuff judges an enemy for twenty seconds with a sealing spell. You will have a two percent chance to revive some of your health back when you attack the same enemy.


Judgment of Wisdom

This debuff lets you generate two percent of your total mana when you attack a judged enemy. It is provided by all the specs of the paladin class.   


Insect Swarm

This debuff unleashes a swarm of insects on the enemy to decrease the effectiveness of their ranged and melee attacks by three percent. It also deals nature damage to them for twelve seconds.


Scorpid Sting

This debuff stings the target and reduces your chances of getting hit by a ranged or a melee attack by three percent.


Blood Frenzy

This debuff increases the melee attacking speed by ten percent.


Savage Combat     

The total attacking power of your character is increased by four percent. The physical damage you deal to an already poisoned enemy is increased by four percent. It is provided by the combat spec of the rogue class.


Winter's Chill

With the frost bolt, you have more chances of a critical hit for fifteen seconds.       


Curse of the Elements

This debuff reduces the shadow, arcane, frost, fire, and natural resistance of an enemy by cursing them for five minutes. It also boosts up the magic damage by thirteen percent.  


Earth and Moon

This debuff boosts up the spell damage by thirteen percent. It is provided by the balance spec of the druid class.


Ebon Plaguebringer

With spells and weapons, you will have a three percent more chance to make a critical strike. It is provided by the unholy spec of the death knight class.



All the pain, vampiric touch, and mind flay spell increase the hit of harmful spells by three percent. This effect lasts for twenty-four seconds. It is provided by the shadow spec of the priest class.






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