
WoW Season of Discovery Tier List Guide: DPS, Healer, and Tank Rankings

By Shirley Huang
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A tier list is a ranking of the relative strengths and weaknesses of different classes and specs in a game. Tier lists can vary depending on the criteria, such as PvE, PvP, solo, or group content.


There is no definitive answer to which classes are the best in WoW Season of Discovery, as different classes and specs have different strengths and weaknesses depending on the content and the role they play. However, some classes and specs are more popular and versatile than others, and some have gained new abilities and changes that make them more viable and fun in SoD. Here is a summary of some of the popular tier lists for DPS, Healer, and Tank roles in SoD.


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DPS Ranking

The DPS role is the most diverse and competitive in SoD, as almost every class and spec can deal decent damage in different situations.


The top DPS classes and specs (S Tier) are DPS Paladin, DPS Hunter, and Fire Mage. They have the highest damage output and utility in raids and dungeons.


DPS Paladin: This is a new DPS spec that uses the Holy Power system to unleash powerful attacks like Templar's Verdict and Divine Storm. This class can deal high burst damage and has good survivability and utility.

DPS Hunter is an improved DPS spec that gains new pet abilities and talents, such as Kill Command and Beast Mastery. This class can deal consistent and high damage from range and has good mobility and utility.


Fire Mage is an improved DPS spec that gets enhanced AoE damage and survivability, thanks to new spells like Flamestrike and Cauterize. This class can deal massive damage to multiple targets and has good crowd control and utility.

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Healer Ranking

The healer role is the most essential and demanding in SoD, as healers are responsible for keeping the party alive and healthy.


The top healer classes and specs (A Tier) are Shaman, Druid, and Priest. These classes have excellent healing and utility in raids and dungeons.


Shaman is a top healer class that remains unchanged in SoD but still has excellent healing and utility. This class can heal multiple targets with spells like Healing Wave and Chain Heal and can provide damage-absorbing totems, buffs, and bloodlust.

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Druid is an improved healer class that gains new abilities and talents, such as Swiftmend and Rejuvenation. This class can heal single and multiple targets with spells like Healing Touch and Tranquility and can also shapeshift into different forms for mobility and utility.


Priest is an improved healer class that gains new abilities and talents, such as Prayer of Healing and Renew. This class can heal single and multiple targets with spells like Flash Heal and Power Word: Shield and can also provide buffs, debuffs, and crowd control.


Tank Ranking

The tank role is the most challenging and rewarding in SoD, as tanks are responsible for holding the aggro and protecting the party from damage.


The top tank classes and specs (A Tier) are Feral Druid, Protection Paladin, and Demonology Warlock. They have great tanking and utility in raids and dungeons.


Feral Druid is an improved tank spec that gains new abilities and talents, such as Mangle and Lacerate. This class can tank well with high armor, health, and threat generation and can also deal decent damage and shapeshift for mobility and utility.


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Protection Paladin is an improved tank spec that gains new abilities and talents, such as Shield of the Righteous and Hammer of the Righteous. This class can tank well with high armor, block, and threat generation and can also heal, buff, and cleanse the party.


Demonology Warlock is a new tank spec that uses their pet and new abilities and talents, such as Demon Armor and Soul Link. This class can tank well with high health, damage reduction, and threat generation and can also deal high damage and crowd control the enemies.


WoW Classic Season of Discovery is just around the corner, so you can prepare and invest it in advance. Season of Discovery gold is in high demand in the early game; you can farm it or buy it once the new season releases.




Related Link:

Season of Discovery Gold Making Guide


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