
Timewarped Badges in World of Warcraft

By John Ryan
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As a wower, you must want to get the game items that stand for the WoW status. This article will talk about one of them, Timewarped Badges.


What is the Timewarped badge?

This is a new item of WoW game. It is swift to allow players to exchange easily and securely between game time and gold coins. And the Timewarped badges will be divided into two types:


The first type, Timewarped badge can be bought throng the online game world’s stores. It must be soul binding and no trading. Timewarped badge neither can be destroyed, deposited in the bank or mailed, nor can change the time. It is only allowed to sell in the auction house or exchange for the gold.


The second type, Timewarped badge can be bought through auction house. It must be soul binding and no trading. It neither can be destroyed, deposited in the bank or be mailed, nor can be consignment at auction house. Players’ current WoW account increases 2700 minutes of the game time after using it.


How does Timewarped badge be exchanged? 


The first way, players who need game gold can buy Timewarped badge through the online mall of game. This item can only be consignment at auction house and be exchanged for gold in the current market’s price.
The second way, players who need the game time can
buy WoW gold (WoW gold kaufen) through auction house to exchange for Timewarped badge, and players can use the badge to exchange 2700 minutes of game time for the current roles ’accounts.


What restrictions or requirements does Timewarped badge have?


1. Demo account cannot buy or sell Timewarped badge.

2. Timewarped badge cannot be bought at mall of character choosing screen, please log in the game to buy.

3. A character with a ladder passport cannot own two Timewarped badges of different types in the meantime. That means you must exchange for a Timewarped badge through WoW gold or game time to buy another one.

4. Players can use money to buy at most 10 badges in a week, which can be consignment at auction house to exchange for WoW gold.

5. Players can use WoW gold to buy at most 15 badges in a month, which can be exchanged for game time.

6. All characters in one battle net account can own 10 badges at most.

7. Once the badge is consignment at auction house, the operation can be irreversible. And it is impossible that players want to refund about the badge. 

8. Players either cannot transfer or delete a character with a badge, or change the camp or rank directly 90 levels.

9. The game time exchanged by badges can be used to recruit teammates. When the time is up, recruitment reward is available.

10. The badge cannot be auctioned at remote auction house.


How much WoW gold can be exchanged for one Timewarped badge?


The game gold price of Timewarped badge is due to current price which is offered by auction house. Once a player buys one Timewarped badge, the gold price is set down at original listed price whatever the market price floats.


So, if players need to use Timewarped badge in World of Warcraft, please come and buy gold at the best site. There are the cheapest gold and the most economic coupon waiting for you!


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