
Updated Legendary Rings Process in Patch 6.2 of World of Warcraft

Von John Ryan
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With the approaching of world of warcraft patch 6.2, players have a few of concerns about the 6.2 legendary rings, like the rings will be used mechanically on cooldown, or someone else control the legendary proc etc.


For those interested in other versions of these rings, they’ve been data-mined from the latest PTR build. Bear in mind looking at these that Blizzard said the tooltip versions on this PTR build were “incomplete.” Now the 6.2 legendary rings were come into wowers' eyes. Of course after completing the quest players can get the coordinate rewards which are Thorasus, the Stone Heart of Draenor, Nithramus, the All-Seer, Sanctus, Sigil of the Unbroken, Etheralus, the Eternal Reward, Maalus, and the Blood Drinker.

Acquiring the rings in 6.2 will require players to build a Shipyard and complete the Naval Missions of World of Warcraft.

The legendary ring quest continues in patch 6.2. PTR information and datamining yielded a version of the legendary ring proc that increased in effect as more players in the group had the ring. However, that was an early build: the new version of the damage rings has an on-use trigger that allows the entire raid to increase the damage dealt by 25% for 15 seconds. When the effect expires, each empowered player unleashes a blast of light that strikes all hostile enemies within 20 yards of the player’s location inflicting damage equal to 25% of all damage dealt during the empowered state.


It’s a 2 minutes shared cooldown amongst other players in the raid. If you’re in the same raid and you use it at the wrong time or during the wrong phase, you all don’t benefit. Think about the ramifications for a moment. Any player in raid with a legendary has the capability to trigger the legendary. It’s an interesting design choice that lets players choose when the extra power and damage should go out. These legendary rings boost the wow gold market a lot.



Many players may have questions like these:


l Why the rings have a raid-wide effect.

Differently from the traditional legendaries which are purely individual, legendary rings tend to be paired with counterparts. So the effect on a group should be taken into consideration, rather than that on an individual.


l Will the rings be used mechanically on cooldown?

It depends on the fight. The healing/tank versions certainly won't be used that way, and the DPS ring also has elements, like AOE, which add additional depth to the decision of when to activate it. But on Gruul, you would use it on cooldown every time.


l Can other players control my legendary?

Another player controls your legendary proc, as one player activates the proc for everyone with the ring. Actually, it is fair. On one hand, when doing any solo content you have complete control over the activation. On the other hand, procs occur at completely inopportune times, and If you are enough lucky, it could drastically alter your total damage on a given encounter.


l Is Hellfire Citadel tuned around having the legendary ring?

No, nothing is tuned around having the ring. That's a big part of why it is not currently available to use in PTR testing.


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