
World of Warcraft Patch 7.2.5 Arrives on June 13

Von Bmichaellogan
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World of Warcraft Patch 7.2.5 arrives on June 13, and with it comes a variety of content updates, including Black Temple Timewalking, the Deaths of Chromie, the Trial of Style, and more. You will also soon be able to delve into the Tomb of Sargeras raid dungeon. Here MmoGah will share the New Features of World of Warcraft Patch 7.2.5.


You can check out the content below for an overview of what's important in 7.2.5!


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World of Warcraft 7.2.5 Patch - New Features



The time has come to join a raid of 10-30 adventurers and venture back in time to The Black Temple in Outland. You will be scaled to player level 70 and item level 141 on your way into this memorable highlight of the Burning Crusade expansion.



In this new scenario, you will use the time-twisting powers of the Bronze Dragonflight to help Chromie prevent her own assassination.




The Trial of Style

- The Blood Elves have teamed up with the Ethereal transmogrifiers to put on a grand Azerothian fashion tournament. Compete against five other players to determine who’s the best dresser.

Moonkin Festival

- A wondrous celebration of all things moonkin is happening in Moonglade. Stop by and see what you can learn!

Auction House Dance Studio

- The main auction houses in Orgrimmar and Stormwind have been cleaned out and turned into dance parties for the day. Crowd on in and show some faction pride!

The Great Gnomeregan Race

- The Gnomes: they run.



Something is amiss in the Deadmines and it’ll take you and your battle pets to put a stop to it. Speak to Breanni in Dalaran to begin the quest. Requires completion of Pet Battle Dungeon: Wailing Caverns.



The forsaken band Blight Boar has invaded the Darkmoon Faire! Every hour on the half-hour, the band will rock out with a death metal tune. Battle the Metal Knight to earn achievements, consumables, and a monthly chance at a brutal helm or killer guitar mace.


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