
WoW: The War Within Quick 70-80 Leveling Guide

Von Penny
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Embarking on the journey from level 70 to 80 in "World of Warcraft: The War Within" can be both thrilling and challenging. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the game, efficient leveling is key to unlocking the full potential of your character and experiencing all the new content this expansion has to offer. Luckily, Cloudyhazey shared the leveling route and tips on his YouTube channel with us. Let's find out. Of course, if you want it quicker, you can buy wow tww character power leveling services from MmoGah up to level 80.


 WoW: The War Within Quick 70-80 Leveling Guide


Leveling Route

First, clear your quest log of all old quests. Once you land on the beach in the Isle of Dorn, the first zone, you need to complete a few Intro quests here. Turn them in to unlock the Skyriding, which can let you fly to the main city, Dornogal. Once you get to Dornogal, this is the best time to pick up your professions. Cloudyhazey recommends tailoring for the first profession on our first character we plan to level up, as only tailors can get cloth while leveling up in The War Within. You can also go with the double gathering (mining and herb) if you prefer. However, gathering while trying to complete the campaign will slow you down, even if you do get experience from the process. So, you can choose a character you plan to level next to do the double gathering.


Once you have picked up your professions, continue to follow the main campaign quest story in the Isle of Dorn. Do not pick up any side quests and Delves quests at this point. But you have to complete the first Delve, called Earthcrawl Mines since it's part of the main campaign.


Once you finish the first three chapters of the campaign, continue to follow the campaign to the next zone, the Ringing Deeps, where you need to focus on the main campaign storyline instead of the side quests. The reason why we skip the side quests in the first two zones is the few experience gains, as we get more experience from harder zones while leveling up. Also, because the experience from Delves scales based on our level, we can wait until later to do them.


The next zone is Hallowfall. Here, do the campaign quests and all the side quests. Do every side quest along the way, which can save you lots of time. At this stage, you should be level 77. Once you have finished all the quests in Hallowfall, head around the map and do all the Delve quests you've been saving up. After this, you should be around level 78.


Then, continue with your campaign and head to Azj-Kahet. Pick up all the side quests you come along as you're doing the campaign. After finishing the campaign, you should be around level 79. Just continue doing quests in Azj-Kahet until you're level 80.


As you're leveling, make sure to explore the map, learn every flight path along the way, and unlock Pathfinder Achievement, which unlocks Steady Fight. You need to complete the campaign in all four zones and explore every zone to unlock it.


Leveling Tips

1. Prepare some consumables, like speed phials that can give you roughly 8 to 10% increased overall speed, as speed is extremely useful for leveling. Or, you could go with Crit or Reverse phials to increase your damage, but if you're already geared up, get the speed phials while you're leveling.


2. Have some enchants to increase your speed. Enchant Bracer – Devotion of Speed, Enchant Boots – Plainsrunner's Breeze, and Enchant Cloak Homebound Speed can give you around 10% increased speed overall. On top of that, adding a speed phial will get you a 20% increased run speed.


3. Another great item for leveling is Gunshoes, which are only on a 3-minute cooldown and increase your movement speed by 200% for 25 seconds. They come in handy when you're in a situation where you can't mount up, like in a deep cave.


4. While leveling up your alts, you have access to World quests, which give you almost double what a regular quest gives, so definitely hit World quest when you're leveling up.


5. Log into any alts you plan to level after you max out your first character to 80 so you can start building up rested experience. On your alts, you can skip the Intro quest and head straight to Dornogal. Here, you can either level up by choosing any zone order you like and doing the campaign again or spam Delves Dungeons and do World quests.

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