Season of Discovery Phase 5 Warrior BiS Gear, Best Builds & Runes, and Leveling Guide

By Shirley Huang Fri Sep 27 2024 06:53:11 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

In SoD Phase 5, Warriors continue to be a dominant class, especially with Blackwing Lair (BWL) and Zul'Gurub now available. This guide covers the best in slot (BiS) gear, recommended builds and runes, talents, and leveling guides for Warriors to help them thrive in both PvE and PvP. Owning more WoW SoD gold can significantly enhance your gameplay experience.


BiS Gear

Warriors in Phase 5 have access to new gear from Blackwing Lair and Zul'Gurub, significantly enhancing their power. Here's a breakdown of key items you'll want to acquire for both Fury and Protection specializations.

BiS Gear for Fury Warriors

Helm: [Lionheart Helm] – Crafted, an iconic piece that boosts Strength and Crit.

Neck: [Onyxia Tooth Pendant] – Dropped by Onyxia, this provides great Attack Power.

Shoulders: [Pauldrons of Might] – Dropped from Molten Core, solid choice until BWL items like [Drake Talon Pauldrons] become available.

Chest: [Breastplate of Wrath] – Dropped by Nefarian in Blackwing Lair, offering incredible stats.

Bracers: [Bracers of Might] – Core bracers for any Fury Warrior until better options drop.

Gloves: [Gauntlets of Wrath] – Dropped by Chromaggus in BWL, provides solid DPS stats.

Belt: [Belt of Might] – Found in Molten Core, solid option until BWL upgrades like [Girdle of the Fallen Crusader].

Legs: [Legplates of Wrath] – Great leg piece from Ragnaros, Molten Core.

Boots: [Sabatons of Might] – Molten Core boots that carry Warriors through until upgrades.

Rings: [Band of Accuria] – A must-have from Blackwing Lair, offering Hit Rating and Attack Power.

Trinkets: [Hand of Justice] – Essential for Fury due to its proc, alongside [Blackhand's Breadth] for Crit.

Weapons: Dual-wielding [Chromatically Tempered Sword] (BWL) or [Crul'shorukh, Edge of Chaos] for main-hand and off-hand options like [Ancient Hakkari Manslayer] from Zul'Gurub.

BiS Gear for Protection Warriors

Helm: [Helm of Wrath] – Dropped from Onyxia.

Shield: [Elementium Reinforced Bulwark] – Nefarian drops the best shield in the game.

Weapon: [The Hungering Cold] – For threat generation, found in BWL.

Bracers: [Bracers of Wrath] – Vital for tanking, available in BWL.

Trinkets: [Lifegiving Gem] and [Force of Will] are essential for survivability.

Additionally, buying SoD Power Leveling service can help you reach the required level to equip these gear more efficiently.

Best Builds and Runes

Fury Warrior Build (PvE DPS Focus)

Talents: Focus on maximizing damage output. Allocate points in Fury for key talents like Flurry, Bloodthirst, and Improved Berserker Stance to increase Attack Power.


Rune of the Warmonger: Increases your melee critical strike chance, vital for Fury DPS.

Rune of Zeal: Improves haste, stacking with your talents for faster attacks.

Rune of Rage: Enhances your ability to generate Rage, which is crucial in longer boss fights.

Protection Warrior Build (PvE Tanking Focus)

Talents: Focus on Protection tree talents such as Shield Slam, Toughness, and Defiance to enhance threat generation and survivability.


Rune of the Protector: Reduces damage is taken, excellent for mitigating heavy boss attacks.

Rune of Vengeance: Increases threat generation while also boosting survivability.

Rune of Shield Mastery: Boosts block value and overall tanking effectiveness.

PvP Warrior Build (Arms Focus)

Talents: Invest in Arms for key abilities like Mortal Strike, Sweeping Strikes, and Second Wind. These abilities provide burst damage and sustain in PvP.


Rune of Swift Blades: Provides a mobility boost to help you stay on top of your targets.

Rune of the Berserker: Increases damage when at low health, which is perfect for Warriors in PvP, as they tend to sustain damage frequently.

PvE Fury Talent Build

Fury Tree: Max out key talents like Cruelty (5/5), Unbridled Wrath (5/5), and Flurry (5/5). These talents increase critical strike chance and overall attack speed.

Arms Tree: Invest in Improved Heroic Strike and Deflection for extra survivability in dungeons and raids.

PvE Protection Talent Build

Protection Tree: Maximize survivability with talents like Toughness, Shield Specialization, and Last Stand.

Fury Tree: Invest a few points in Cruelty to ensure some extra crit for threat generation.


PvP Arms Talent Build

Arms Tree: Focus on Mortal Strike for healing reduction and Improved Overpower for burst damage. Second Wind helps you stay in the fight longer.

Fury Tree: Invest in Cruelty for extra critical strike chance.

Leveling Strategies

Warriors can be challenging to level due to their reliance on gear and rage management, but you can speed up the process with the right strategies.


Early Levels (1-30)

• Focus on abilities that build threat and manage Rage effectively.

• Sunder Armor and Revenge are primary threat-generating abilities.

• Use Bloodrage and Charge to start fights and generate initial Rage.

Mid Levels (31-50)

• In group settings, prioritize abilities that maintain aggro on multiple mobs.

• Thunder Clap and Shockwave are effective for AoE threats.

• Improved Demoralizing Shout can be useful for reducing incoming damage.

High Levels (51-60)

• Pick up utility/DPS talents as Arms before heading deeper down for Mortal Strike.

• Improved Hamstring for PvP encounters.

• Improved Demo Shout for dungeons.

Key Tips for Leveling Warriors:

Use a Two-Handed Weapon Early: Warriors perform best while leveling with a high-damage two-handed weapon. Abilities like Heroic Strike and Cleave hit hard, especially in groups of enemies.

Talents for Leveling: Start in the Arms tree to take advantage of Mortal Strike and Sweeping Strikes. After this, dip into Fury to get Flurry, increasing attack speed after a crit.

Use First Aid and Potions: Warriors lack healing, so always carry bandages and health potions to reduce downtime.

Quest Efficiently: Focus on quests that allow you to kill multiple enemies at once, as Warriors excel at cleaving down groups.

Leveling Gear: Stack Strength, Stamina, and Critical Strike for better damage output and survivability. Use dungeon gear and quest rewards that offer these stats.

By implementing these tactics, choosing the appropriate talents, and equipping the best gear and runes, Warriors can excel in Phase 5 SoD in both PvE and PvP environments.

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