
Obsidian Weapons Are Coming to ArcheAge in the Secrets of Ayanad Update

Por John Ryan
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A host of powerful obsidian weapons are coming to ArcheAge in the Secrets of Ayanad game update. To explore adventurous & mysterious Ayanad Library, they must be necessary for you. Then have you got well known of Obsidian Weapons already? Hope the following tips may help you some.

Obsidian Weapons Are Coming to ArcheAge in the Secrets of Ayanad Update


  • Each existing type of weapon will gain an obsidian counterpart with unique stats and passive bonus, and all of their recipes will appear in the Weaponry and Carpentry sections of your Folio with no proficiency requirements to craft them.

  • A series of quests from Secrets of Ayanad will guide you to forge your first obsidian weapon. To begin, you’ll need to acquire the salvaged version of a crafted illustrious weapon. You must combine this salvage with materials gathered from the inhabitants of Auroria to complete a first-tier obsidian weapon.

  • Your freshly-crafted obsidian item binds when it is equipped, you can upgrade it five times in total with the goal of the sixth time.

  • You can gather the components which are necessary to forge and upgrade your obsidian weapon via the level 51+ creatures located in Sungold Fields, Exeloch, and Diamond Shores. However, the components needed to enhance your obsidian weapon to its final stages are held by extremely difficult library bossed and notorious creatures across Erenor.

  • Obsidian crafting is more straightforward than crafting other weapons because stats for obsidian weapons are static –determined by their rarity grade – instead of being influenced by random types (like Gale or Flame). The rarity grade of your obsidian weapon also has a chance to increase when you craft to the next tier.

  • Most obsidian weapons are extremely valuable because they provide combinations of stats that are otherwise unattainable. For example, obsidian shortspears gain the +healing attribute while obsidian katanas command +magic attack.

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