
Essence Summary for All Classes Utility in Blade and Soul

Por Leo Jiang
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There are four races to choose from in Blade and Soul, each with their own selection of three classes. Race does not impact upon your character’s stats, so feel free to choose the one you like the look of the most, or that has access to your favorite class. Also the bns gold is also very important issue in blade and soul, you need to farm gold or buy blade and soul gold from a safe and reliable website.

All Classes Utility in Blade and Soul

Kung Fu Master:

Aggro generator with melee DPS.

Hold block

Fighting Spirit, the same as Assassin's sharing a global cool down.

Driven buff (1% crit damage for attacking the Kung Fu Master's target, stacks 10 times)

Tremor buff (20% crit damage when a target stands in a Kung Fu Master's Tremor effect)

Target hold, albeit second worst; on the same tree as Fighting Spirit or after a knock-up


Blade Master and Kung Fu Master function as the game's "tanks" (which in Blade & Soul simply means anyone who has the most threat on the boss, as anyone can "tank" but BM/KFM do it much better), though they have completely different toolkits and play styles.


Unusually for a "tank" Blade Master is currently among the top-tier DPS (although later gets reduced to high-tier due to other classes surpassing it with future gear). They are well known for their group invincibility frame: it lasts 5 seconds long, and refreshes cool down on invincibility proc for three resists in total. In similar vein to Assassin's Webbing, a Blade Master has a long air combo they can use for aerial stalling in future dungeons. However, they have one of the more gimmicky anti-projectile fields in comparison to Sin/Sum/FM, as BM's can only use it after activating a special skill and they need that to dish out some serious damage.


Kung Fu Master is well known for providing many offensive buffs to their party; one of theirs is shared with Assassin's although a KFM and Sin in the same party can coordinate due to the individual cool downs being twice longer than the global cool down. They can also grab and pin a target down too with good duration, although it weakens the KFM's damage output and provides very little merit for doing so.

All Classes Utility in Blade and Soul

Blade Master:

Aggro generator with melee top-tier DPS.

Hold block.

Anti-projectile field.

Long air combo for aerial stalling.

5 second group iframe that refreshes duration on iframe proc for up to 3 hits, shares a global cool down with Blade Dancer's.



Melee "offensive-jack-of-all-trades" with top-tier DPS.

Fighting Spirit/"Blue Buff" providing 40% critical chance, 50% critical damage, 70% life steal damage.

Effective bleed stacker (-20% natural health regeneration, stacks up to five times).

Group party stealth invincibility frame. Short lasting but puts people invisible when it goes off, which is actually required in certain endgame dungeons, shares a global cool down with Summoner's.

"Taxi" purple lotus that pulls dead, near dead, or chi recovering people from 100 meters away, extremely useful when someone dies under a heap of trash mobs.

Anti-projectile Smokescreen field that negates projectile volleys.

"Stealth" Smokescreen that turns people invisible to bypass trash mobs.

"Taxi" blue lotus that turns the assassin invisible, and after they bypass trash mobs, anyone standing near the blue lotus is teleported directly to the assassin.


A wire that holds targets in place for 3 seconds. One of the poorer target holding skills in PvE and better designed for PvP, so you'll rarely see an assassin use this in a fight although it does have some niche use.

All Classes Utility in Blade and Soul

A web that suspends targets in the air for 4 seconds, but any hit breaks the web. While knock-ups are generally undesired, future endgame sees knock-ups as an actual requirement.


Assassin unarguably has the best PvE party contribution overall because of their extreme versatility, and can basically do almost everything any other class does, making them a true "jack-of-all-trades" class in the offensive department. Not only do they have high DPS and an offensive buff, they have a group invincibility frame (required to clear a mechanic in future endgame dungeons) and can deploy a field to negate projectiles.


They have one of the safest soloing abilities, due to all non-bosses, all bosses before level 45, and a select few level 45/50 bosses being completely unable to see through stealth. They are also the only class that can group stealth the party past trash mobs that can cause significant harm to the party, and teleport people from miles away.


That being said, they are not perfect, and have among the greatest challenges. They're quite lacking in the area of effect department (though it is by no means poor), and have the lowest lasting duration in their target hold that outright stops their own damage output with very little merits for doing such. Perhaps their biggest issue is their extremely high learning curve, juggling between stances to maintain stealth and apply crowd control, focus recovery, poison stacks, and DPS, with most of their abilities being conditional.

All Classes Utility in Blade and Soul

Force Master:

Ranged and top-tier DPS

Notoriously high burst damage to the point where they can hold aggro if a Blade Master or Kung Fu Master aren't present to generate threat.

5 second group invincibility frame that blocks an infinite amounts by freezing the party, but stops the party from doing damage.

Anti-projectile field

16 meter near dead party member pull with an 8 meter radius.


Force Master is very famous for their very high damage and as a ranged class they have no worry for hitbox placements unlike melee. They also have an anti-projectile field, a 5-second long group invincibility frame but stops people from attacking, and the ability to rescue chi recovering players from a short distance.


However, their high damage also makes them incredibly notorious for constantly holding aggro assuming no Blade Master or Kung Fu Master is present, and their nature as a ranged class makes them constantly lead the boss around, thereby forcing melees to chase the boss down and slowing the run down overall; if you're going to play Force Master, you'd better get used to fighting in close range.

All Classes Utility in Blade and Soul

Blade Master:

Aggro generator with melee top-tier DPS.

Hold block.

Anti-projectile field.

Long air combo for aerial stalling.

5 second group iframe that refreshes duration on iframe proc for up to 3 hits, shares a global cool down with Blade Dancer's.


Kung Fu Master:

Aggro generator with melee DPS.

Hold block

Fighting Spirit, the same as Assassin's sharing a global cool down.

Driven buff (1% crit damage for attacking the Kung Fu Master's target, stacks 10 times)

Tremor buff (20% crit damage when a target stands in a Kung Fu Master's Tremor effect)

Target hold, albeit second worst; on the same tree as Fighting Spirit or after a knock-up


Blade Master and Kung Fu Master function as the game's "tanks" (which in Blade & Soul simply means anyone who has the most threat on the boss, as anyone can "tank" but BM/KFM do it much better), though they have completely different toolkits and playstyles.


Unusually for a "tank" Blade Master is currently among the top-tier DPS (although later gets reduced to high-tier due to other classes surpassing it with future gear). They are well known for their group invincibility frame: it lasts 5 seconds long, and refreshes cool down on invincibility proc for three resists in total. In similar vein to Assassin's Webbing, a Blade Master has a long air combo they can use for aerial stalling in future dungeons. However, they have one of the more gimmicky anti-projectile fields in comparison to Sin/Sum/FM, as BM's can only use it after activating a special skill and they need that to dish out some serious damage.


Kung Fu Master is well known for providing many offensive buffs to their party; one of theirs is shared with Assassin's although a KFM and Sin in the same party can coordinate due to the individual cool downs being twice longer than the global cool down. They can also grab and pin a target down too with good duration, although it weakens the KFM's damage output and provides very little merit for doing so.

All Classes Utility in Blade and Soul


Melee DPS

Effective bleed stacker

Group defense buffs

Single near dead player rescue

Single recovering chi shield

Target hold "restraint", allows everyone to use restraint skills which inflict massive damage.



Ranged DPS

Hold block


Soul burn (cool down reset + 50% crit damage + awakened skill)


Warlocks are another ranged damage class, but unlike Force Masters or Summoners their kit isn't as big. Their main draw is their party buff which unlocks a special skill for every class that deals massive damage in similar vein to Restraint debuff.

All Classes Utility in Blade and Soul

Blade Dancer:

Melee DPS

Effective bleed stacker

Target hold "restraint", allows everyone to use restraint skills which inflict massive damage.

Long air combo.

3 second group iframe blocking an infinite amount of hits, shares the same global cool down as Blade Master's


Destroyer and Blade Dancers are very famous for having the best target hold in the game: while they sacrifice their own damage, they can move and reposition a boss with it, it lasts very long, and puts the Restraint debuff that allows everyone to use their own Restraint skills that deal massive damage.


Destroyer also has the ability to provide defensive bonuses to their party, as well as grab one downed person and carry him to safety and then put a chi recovering shield on him. Blade Dancers on the other hand have a 3 second group invincibility, although this has the same global cool down as Blade Master's.

All Classes Utility in Blade and Soul

Soul Fighter:

Ranged/Melee DPS (mainly melee in PvE)


Party Revival


Soul Fighter functions as a mix as Kung Fu Master and Force Master, but have none of their unique abilities. Instead, they function as a superior healer and party revival class over Summoner, but that's literally the only thing they bring to a party, giving them effectively the least party contribution. However, no one really cares about who they have for a party.


The above are the guide for all the classes in blade and soul, and I will update more useful news for all the players who are interested in this game. Also I want to share some useful links with all the players and hope you like it.

All Classes Utility in Blade and Soul

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